On 23.04.2007, at 16:33, Timothy Bates wrote:
I often want to edit collections (R lists), and it would be nice if tabbing inside a collection had the action of moving the selection to the next item in the list. Would it be possible to write a command (to hard for a snippet, I think) which takes over the tab key when there is no snippet bound to it, and detects if the user is in a c(x,y,..) structure, and selects the next item in the list?
So if the cursor is in item 1 like this
a = c(1|11,222)
Then hitting tab would move to highlight all of item 2. Preferably hitting shift-tab would move to the next previous item, or in front of the collection if already at the head.
An other way would be simply to use TM's Find Function. Look for regexp [0-9A-z]+. Use the APPLE+G for jumping forwards, and SHIFT +APPLE+G for jumping backwards (this only works partly; sometimes you have to press SHIFT+APPLE+G several times).
With that regexp you can create your own macros easily.