On 26 Jul 2007, at 19:17, Ciarán Walsh wrote:
On 26 Jul 2007, at 16:38, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
Can someone verify this or is it my fault ( "$DIALOG" -e -p '{message="HALLO";}' )?
As I've mentioned previously, the simplest way to look at how to invoke Dialog is to look at the Ruby library ui.rb that wraps it.
Thanks again and sorry that I missed to look into ui.rb but I only followed tm_dialog's usage hints:
Alert Options: -e, --alert Show alert. Parameters: 'title', 'message', 'buttons' 'alertStyle' -- can be 'warning,' 'informational', 'critical'. Returns the button index.
In your case you need (at minimum) informativeText too, try
"$DIALOG" -e -p '{messageTitle="HALLO";informativeText=foo;}'
and there is no word about the minimum requirements ;)