On Feb 17, 2013, at 9:23 PM, bobrocke bob@bobrockefeller.com wrote:
[…] Application Support/Avian/Bundles Diff files for bundles kept in Application Support/TextMate/Managed but edited in TM2 go here
All edits go there — it doesn’t matter if you edit an existing bundle or create a new one.
If however you edit an existing bundle it will create delta files, so if you wish to send pull requests you should first clone the bundle to this location.
Application Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles Bundles specifically for TM2, or to override shipped-with bundles, go here
This is third-party bundles you install via double-click (or dragging to TM). They are not auto-updated, hence outside the Managed folder.
If you edit these bundles the changes go to the first (non-pristine copy) folder (as delta files). This should allow you to manually update such bundles and keep your local changes intact.
Application Support/TextMate/Cache Application Support/TextMate/Favorites Application Support/TextMate/Managed All the TM2 shipped-with bundles are kept here Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy What goes in here???
This is where 1.x installs double-clicked bundles.
That suggests TM1 and TM2 share/interfere at:
Application Support/TextMate/Cache Application Support/TextMate/Favorites
I assume that no harm is done at those points?
TM 1.x does not support favorites nor does it use the same indexing (so it doesn’t use Cache).