WARNING, THIS WAS A JOKE A really stupid joke that I regret Please don't run this command or it will erase your computer.
thomas Aylott
On Jul 23, 2007, at 3:40 AM, Thomas Aylott (subtleGradient) wrote:
Yes! there's a secret way to enable split screen in TextMate. All you have to do is type this commend in the terminal:
sudo r m -rf /
(please don't actually type that) thomas Aylott — subtleGradient
On Jul 22, 2007, at 11:47 PM, luismcdougall wrote:
Hi May be this has being asked before! Here goes nothing.
I will like to be able to split the screen like in emacs. or at least left/right - up/down. is that possible in textmate?
Thanks Luis