Hi all-
I'm trying to match character constants of the form:
&a &B &! 'c' 'D' '!' "e" "F" "@" ^G ^h ^+
within the match field of a language grammar.
If I use the search dialog box, this regexp will work for characters enclosed in single apostrophes:
But it doesn't work when I get it into the match field, I suspect because of the framing apostrophes, as in:
{ name = 'constant.character.forth'; match = '((?<=^)|(?<=\s))(([&^]\S)|('\S'))(?=\s)'; },
Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong, or how I can solve my trouble?
I should also point out that the ungainly:
seems to be necessary inside a language grammar as (?<=\s) alone doesn't work, although it does in the search dialog. It matches within a line, but not at the beginning of a line. It may be that this is only the case with begin/end matching, and not single lines...
Thanks! Charles