On Jan 19, 2005, at 7:40 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
I actually couldn't find a single program which behaves like that. I do however remember having been bitten by such in the past.
You need to get out more ;-). All of the Adobe apps have a grayed-out Save... menu item after a save. Final Cut Pro also behaves like that. Cocoa apps don't, unless the author specifically does something. When they do, it can be a PITA, as when MacJournal disabled the save item and thus every unnecessary save attempt resulted in the Cocoa "beep". I'm a compulsive saver and it got so bad that I had to turn on visual alert sounds just to work around that one app.
Personally, I think your implementation is consistent with the HIG, since saving an unmodified document does change the document. That is, Save actually does something. If you really wanted to make everyone happy, you could change the menu name to Touch when the document is unmodified. That would meet the needs of everyone, and actually be better than your current setup because its not clear that Save actually *does* touch the file even if it hasn't been modified (it could do nothing, for example).
Clearly, I spent too much time on such an insignificant issue. My apologies to the list for not having the time to condense this message.
Best, Eric