On 2/4/2006, at 18:04, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
Couldn't find latexmk.pl -pvc
Allan just committed a fix for that on the repository just now.
Actually, the latexmk.pl is already in the proper location. It was the resource file I moved.
The error message sounds like the OP specified -pvc as part of the executable to run, and that is why it was not found.
For the OP: The proper way to “activate” latexmk.pl is by going to Preferences -> Advanced -> Shell Variables and adding a new ‘TM_LATEX_COMPILER’ variable with a value of ‘latexmk.pl’.
But presently it is not possible to specify additional arguments (without modifying the command). Something we should probably update the command to support via (another) variable. The addition by Daniel sounds appropriate.
If you do modify the command (as you did), you need to copy the ‘latexmkrc’ file from the default bundle (/Applications/TextMate.app/ Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/) to the local/modified bundle (~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ Latex.tmbundle/) -- this is what my svn commit fixed (which Haris mentioned), so in the future, it will not be necessary to do so, when customizing the Typeset & View command (but for 1.5.1 it is, unless one uses the bundle from svn).