A few small requests for this marvelous editor.
1. Allow undo from find/replace dialog. Lots of times I enter in the wrong regular expression and the find/replace goes badly. I want to hit apple-Z and Undo it and fire up another search, but instead I have to switch to the text window.
2. It would be great if the new ( :) ) txmt: resource locator allows us to load things like txmt://a.pdf, which would then get loaded into the web preview window. Reason: I want to hack up a replacement for TeXShop within TM. Already you can make a command to have pdftex create a .pdf output file and open it in Preview. I'd like it to show up in TM! It would feel cleaner that way.
3. Allow syntax files to be reloaded. Then we could edit them within TM and see the results without quitting and restarting.
best wishes, Eric