On May 5, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Dr. Drang wrote:
On May 4, 2009, at 1:56 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:
FWIW, CSSEdit is a pretty strong app in this regard, were it not for the poor auto completion in the app, I would probably take the time to learn it.
If you have CSSEdit you can
- Open the CSS file in its editor.
- Open the HTML file in its previewer.
- Choose Edit in TextMate… to (re)open the CSS file in TextMate.
- Edit the file in TM. Every time you save in TM, the CSSEdit
previewer will update.
Recognize that the saves you do in TM will *not* save the CSS file to disk; they will only "save" to the CSSEdit window. You'll have to periodically save the file from within CSSEdit.
Wow, very nice to know, that is probably perfect. Seems like a lot of apps to have to pull one thing off that is previously done in a small plug in within a browser though :)
Thanks so much, this is a solid method, I will look into it.