On Apr 28, 2005, at 18:35, Tom Lazar wrote:
anyway: I'd really like to have a quick, no-brains-involved method to toggle between the textfield and the project drawer via the keyboard - I do it a million times a day and I don't want to use the mouse for it (RSI, anyone?)
You are aware of the file chooser from the navigation menu, right?
while i can use shift-tab to get back immediately, this isn't very economical IMHO to move back and forth quickly.
so, my proposition: ctrl-tab to toggle between textarea and project drawer, shift-tab to cycle forward through textarea, projectdrawer and widgets, and ctrl-shift-tab to cycle backwards
or any other alternative that allows me to toggle with one key-combo ;-)
If you don't use shift-tab to go backwards in snippet placeholders, open TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/KeyBindings.dict and uncomment this line: "\031" = "selectFollowingKeyView:";
Then you have shift-tab to go to project drawer, and shift-tab will take you back to text view again.