I was searching for this feature of sorting in the project drawer. There should be multiple sort options: native listing by file system conventions, alphabetical, alpha-with-directories first like Windows, and likely other ways I miss. So, when is Textmate 2.0 being released? I need a reason to justify a Mac. e-editor for windows is not apples to apples equivalent to Textmate. Textmate gooooood!
Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 6. Mar 2007, at 16:05, Alexander Deruwe wrote:
[...] I found the following reference (and its references) in the mailing list archives: http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/textmate/2004-December/001971.html This message seems to imply the sorting is hard-coded.
It is, yes. 2.0 will open up for more customization wrt projects and “files”.
Cheers, DK