Actually, file extension association information is stored by OS X, not by individual applications. Not sure if what you want can be done, although you could ask around forums like the one at or the official apple one.
On 9/16/05, José Campos wrote:
Hi All, In the project drawer, a right-click on a file icon opens a dialog
where one can find : Treat Files with ".xxx" Extension as Text Where does TM store this infos afterwards? Did not find anything in "Application Support" nor in "Preferences"
The point is to have TM consider files with a variable extension as
text, like the ones I have to deal with : the extension is a 8-digit number representing the date the document was edited (*.20041023 for instance)
Can we use regular expression for this (like \d{8})? Found nothing in the Wiki nor in Help. Thanks,
-- Jo <W:00�04'37" ; N:47�15'36">
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