I've been playing with TM 1.5.1 (948) and wanted to see how it handled XML files on my 1.67GHz Powerbook.
The file I needed to mess with was a 3.7MB FO file with some long lines (over 10000 characters and some over 100000.) The formatted objects were generated by an XSL processor which didn't care about long lines ;-)
Because it had a .fo extension it was opened as Plain Text.
Scrolling around would cause a beachball on some of those really long lines. (Soft wrapping was on.)
I used the popup to switch to XML. This caused a beachball for about 2 minutes, and subsequent attempts to scroll often beachballed too. Soft wrapping seems to have got turned off by this switch, which is consistent with the line numbers in the margin.
The big mistake was to try and do a Find/Replace of all ">" with ">\n". Whoah. It's been using all the CPU and beachballing for over 30 minutes now, with no obvious way to interrupt it...
It is a bit distasteful to bring up other products ;-) but TextWrangler did that Find/Replace in about 2 seconds. Going to XML mode in TextWrangler was instantaneous.
Are these known problems? I googled for a bit but couldn't find anyone reporting similar things.
Is there any chance these might get addressed in the 1.5.x codebase? I want to love TM but currently cannot :-(