Le 17 janv. 2010 à 21:21, Alex Ross a écrit :
But I work normally with pdflatex and I need to change all these prefs after each compile with xelatex
With TexShop, I use %!TEX TS-program = xelatex-xdv2pdf How to get this with TM
Use the latex bundle at http://github.com/lasersox/latex.tmbundle.
With this bundle you can set TM_LATEX=xelatex and TM_LATEX_ARGS=-outputdriver=xdv2pdf (synctex is automatically used).
Hi Alex,
Yes works fine but I need to change the prefs of textmate instead to change the prefs of the bundle.
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex-xdv2pdf
Is more easy, no ?
I don't like very much line like %!TEX TS-program=xelatex-xdv2pdf I prefer if it's possible, to create a new command that sets TM_LATEX=xelatex and TM_LATEX_ARGS=-outputdriver=xdv2pdf for me ! Is it possible ?
Best regards
Alain Matthes