On 2006-05-25 02:35:35 -0400, John Tsombakos wrote:
This may have gotten lost in the last thread, but with the new ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles folder, where is the best place to check out the bundles/themes/plugins from http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk ?
The directions say to check them out to /Library/Application Support/Textmate, but the release notes (and Allan's previous email), said the place for new bundles is the "Pristine Copy" folder. Is that folder just for bundles? What about the rest of the items that are currently in /Library/Application Support.... ?
This is a good question. I'm trying to figure out how to do this at work where my home account is network mounted and I don't have admin access to any of the Macs. For that matter I don't currently have a Mac on my desk (I know, I know, life sucks but one makes due) so when I am using one it might be any one of a number of machines.
I'm currently trying to see if I can make a ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate-SVN that I'll keep up to date and just soft-link the parts I need back into my ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate, specifically the Pristine Copy directory. Does that work for anything other than Bundles right now?