I am working on a publication with Language Science Press. and I have problem compiling the template. I am running Textmate version 2.0-rc.4 on OSX 10.13.4. I have recently upgraded to MacTex 2018. The problem is that no pdf is created from Textmate. It is a bit odd.
I would like to ask if someone here can try to compile Language-Science-Press' monograph template which can be downloaded from here http://langsci-press.org/templatesAndTools. (or the directlink https://github.com/langsci/latex-skeletons/raw/gh-pages/monographskeleton.zip). It works with other editors like Texshop as well as from the command line. But not with Textmate. On the other hand, I can compile other .tex files with Textmate. So I am a bit lost as to why this is happening.
ps: I have tried some general things from a previous discussion in this mailing list _and they worked fine__for me_:
After that I translated the following document:
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} Test \end{document}
in TextMate without any problems. Could you please try the following:
1. Create a new file in TextMate 2. Paste the LaTeX code from above into the document 3. Save the file in the folder `Downloads` using the name `Test.tex` 4. Open Terminal 5. Enter the following commands:
cd ~/Downloads latexmk -pdf Test.tex
6. Does the command `latexmk -pdf Test.tex` print any error messages? 7. Does the folder `Downloads` contain the PDF file `Test.pdf`?