Heh, I suppose I'm somewhat demanding then, even coming close to the mouse would be a showstopper for me. I used triggers though and got it all working nicely with that, however, it does not paste after being selected. Not even if I double-click the mouse. What happens is that the item gets pushed up to first place in the clipboard, you then manually have to paste it in. And now I have probably spent more time talking about this than I'll ever gain even by having the behaviour I want :)
anyways, despite it's "shortcomings", this is the best clipboard manager I've seen (or rather, best to my tastes)
Butler http://www.petermaurer.de/butler/ is an excellent launcher similar to Quicksilver, and has a clipboard manager mapped to ctrl- alt-v which shows the last 7 clipboard entries, any of which can be pasted by pressing the corresponding number. This seems to be more kind to the keyboard-fanatical.
(& I highly recommend Butler overall: extremely customizable, fast and unobtrusive. Beats the hell out of using Spotlight for opening apps, preferences, a terminal window, etc.)
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