Thanks, but how do I do that? Textmate->Preferences->Fonts and Colors lets me set a color for "keyword", but doing so has no effect on the display of my JUNOS text.
-- Pete
On Jul 16, 2007, at 6:55 PM, Dana Kashubeck wrote:
On 7/16/07 5:20 PM, Pete Siemsen wrote:
I'm trying (for the first time ever) to make Textmate do syntax- highlighting.� The files I want to highlight are JUNOS router configuration files.� My beginning grammar is { scopeName = 'source.junos'; fileTypes = ( 'junos' ); foldingStartMarker = '{\s*$'; foldingStopMarker = '^\s*}'; patterns = ( { name = 'keyword.other.junos'; match = 'groups|system|chassis|interfaces|forwarding-options|snmp| routing-options|protocols|policy-options|firewall|routing-instances'; }, { name = 'comment.block.junos'; match = '/*[^*]**/'; }, ); } When I set the language to JUNOS, folding works but the keywords or comments stay the default color.� Do I need to do something else to see color highlighting?� (assume nothing is too dumb - I'm a newbie to this) Assuming I get this working, is there a repository of grammars where I can share it?� And maybe find grammars for other odd languages?
Yes, you'll have to specify a different color in your current style for keyword.other.junos and comment.block.junos.
Dana Kashubeck Systems Manager Riemer Reporting Service Inc.
Phone: 440-835-2477 x. 125 Fax: 440-835-4594
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