On 21 Mar 2006, at 14:06, Allan Odgaard wrote:
If you set the command to save before, it will think the file is up- to-date (even though the command makes a second save), and if you set the output to discard, you should get rid of the latter problem (then also remove the » && cat "$TM_FILEPATH"«).
The downside to that is the fact that the file on disk won't quite match up with the editor view. The trailing spaces will be removed in the file on disk, but TextMate won't know that, and will continue to display them until you reopen the file.
This might not be a problem (the original poster mentioned that the trailing spaces caused him trouble when he took the same files to vi, so as long as the saves always happen without trailing spaces it might be fine).
It does however not handle the case where the file is untitled.
Good catch. The macro solution (using a second empty command with "Save File" set) handles this situation just fine, which is another argument in favor of that method.