What I get is:
Not using a subversion checkout, just the bleeding edge. Should I be?
On 24 Jul 2007, at 16:54, Ciarán Walsh wrote:
On 24 Jul 2007, at 16:41, Richard Dyce wrote:
Tried putting
$linkRef = preg_replace( array('/^.*\[/','/\].*$/','/
line /'), array('txmt://open?url=file://','', '&line='), $message);
which works as far as the links go, but throws a distinct wobbly in terms of scope within TM after that delimited open square bracket [.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the report.
Are you using a Subversion checkout of the PHP bundle? I've just copied and pasted that line into a PHP file and it was highlighted as I'd expect [1]
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