On Mar 2, 2009, at 5:07 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:
Thanks. What are some other third party tools for this? BBedit is too heavy an app for me to want to keep aound for this one feature. The filemerge.app is buggy, and beachballs on me a lot, and can not seem to save the changes back to original files.
FWIW, I use FileMerge (2.4, 1080.0) a lot, and have never encountered any stability problems. I use it primarily with code and small data files (i.e., under 5-10 MB), so perhaps there are issues with larger files that I am unaware of. It might not be the most feature-rich application out there, but now that it handles differences within a single paragraph (i.e., without hard line breaks) quite well, it's adequate for most of my needs. The only thing I revert to -diff- for is generating patches.
-- Phil