Hey, I don't mean to cause a stir, but for me TextMate's code folding is
generally just broken. I've spent a lot of time lately working on Jinja2
templates and it just doesn't handle them well at all and sometimes code is
removed accidentally. I've had the same thing happen with messier PHP
templates, etc.
Is there a way to just turn this off? Toggling folding levels at "All
Levels" does not address the problem, some "weirder" blocks of templates
(and other bits of messier code that I, of course, didn't write) still
remain folded weirdly.
Wells Oliver
I'm developing a new bundle for a scripting language. For the "Run" command I'd like to make usage of TM's TextMate::Executor library. Fine.
But I was confronted with two subjects for a discussion:
1) TextMate.save_if_untitled
In order to use TextMate::Executor one should execute "TextMate.save_if_untitled('foo')" in beforehand. But I'd like to allow to the user that s/he runs either the entire document or only a selection. With the current implementation this doesn't work, so I suggest the following change (adding of the first 6 lines of code and a new argument):
save_current_document.rb line: 33ff
def save_if_untitled(temp_ext='tmp', ignore_selection=true)
if not ignore_selection and not ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'].nil?
if not ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'].nil?
ENV['TM_DISPLAYNAME'] += ' (Selection)'
return unless ENV['TM_FILEPATH'].nil?
ENV['TM_FILEPATH'] = TextMate::IO.tempfile(temp_ext).path
ENV['TM_FILENAME'] = File.basename(ENV['TM_FILEPATH'])
This approach does't break the default behaviour. Only if the developer would like to add that functionality s/he has only set the second argument to "false". By adding "(Selection)" or whatever to TM_DISPLAYNAME the user will be notified additionally.
2) TextMate::Executor.run -> version
The interpreter I'm working with is an "hybrid". If you start it without arguments or with arguments which can't be interpreted as a file name the interpreter starts in the GUI mode, i.e. a real application with windows etc. pops up. Otherwise, if you pass as first argument a valid file path plus optional arguments, the interpreter works like Perl, Python, etc. in a command line mode.
The current TextMate::Executor.run implementation has a nice feature, you can get the current version number from the current installed interpreter or compiler as default BUT you are NOT able to avoid it.
In my case the interpreter doesn't catch these kind of querying, in other words I can set the ":version_*"-options to whatever the GUI is popping up and tells me stories about errors. Finally I ended up to write a special script which returns the version number and I call it via:
:version_args => ENV["TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"] + "/bin/version.praat"
but I believe one could solve this kind of problem quite easily, namely if the developer sets explicitly ":version_args => nil" the version querying won't be executed. To achieve that one has to change one single line:
executor.rb line: 99
version = (not options[:version_args].nil?) ? parse_version(args[0], options) : ''
Did I miss something?
Kind regards,
I found a bug while argument parsing in several DIALOG2 commands:
[TM 2.0-alpha.9571]
"$DIALOG" x-insert --text "--Pitch"
"$DIALOG" tooltip --text "--Pitch"
if you execute theses commands (via CTRL+R or within a script) DIALOG2 will fail due to the fact that the text argument begins with two "-".
In Recent Projects window that’s opened by ⌘⇧O when one removes a project using ⌘⌫ a “Trash” sound is heard.
This scared the shit out of me and I immediately went to Trash to check if the actual folder was removed and not just the link in TM.
I don’t know if it’s an intended behavior but I’m pretty sure it’s a wrong one as I almost had a small heart attack :)
For some time I had been using the LaTeX bundle in Textmate 1.5.11 on an
old Mac running OS 10.6.8 with no problems. After migrating my whole
system to a new iMac running Mavericks (OS 10.9), all the keyboard
shortcuts that require Cmd-{ or Cmd-} for completion stopped working.
For example, when typing "frame" and Cmd-{ (in Beamer) I get an error
message like:
(and yes, it would just end abruptly there)
Completion with Esc or Tab works fine, for the shortcuts that use those,
as does toggling commenting with Cmd-\. But all of the ones with Cmd-}
or Cmd-{ produce an error message. Same thing happens on my new laptop,
likewise under Mavericks.
I've upgraded to TextMate 2, thinking that this might have something to
do with that Ruby thing I've been reading about. However, the problem
has not gone away, though the symptoms are slightly different. Now no
error message appears, but instead the "Cmd-{" and "Cmd-}" keystroke
combinations seem to be completely dead keys; nothing at all happens
when I press them.
Does anyone know what might be going on and how I can fix this? It's
having a pretty devastating effect on my productivity.
Gunnar Ólafur Hansson
Associate Professor | Department of Linguistics
The University of British Columbia
2613 West Mall | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
Phone 604 822 4658 | Fax 604 822 9687
gunnar.hansson(a)ubc.ca <mailto:gunnar.hansson@ubc.ca>
www.linguistics.ubc.ca <http://www.linguistics.ubc.ca>
I would like code and markup inside certain tags to be indented. Currently, this occurs…
body { … }
Desired result:
body { … }
I’ve determined that this is because style, script, and other tags are marked as `source.*`. If I rename these language constructs to something that doesn’t start with “source”, then indentation works as expected. However, I do not want to throwaway the advantages of inheriting from source.
Does anyone know where I can begin looking to modify the `source` grammar so that code within certain tags is indented? I have not had any luck with `increaseIndentPattern` (yet).
Sorry if this is FAQ, but can you please point me to where I should go?
I'm using TextMate version 2.0-alpha.9561, but this issue persists for more
than a year and Googling didn't give me any resolution yet.
Simply, it doesn't fold/unfold for YAML file. In 'Edit Bundles', 'Settings'
doesn't include 'Folding' while other bundles such as XML does.
I guess foldingStopMarker might be wrong, but don't know if it's really
used since it doesn't show up in 'Edit Budles / Settings'.
Thanks in advance,