I'm currently adding gutter mark support to the RSpec bundle. It works,
but marks set by the SCM Diff Gutter bundle seem to take precedence: If
I try to set an error mark in a line thats already marked as “changed”,
it isn't visible. How could that be solved?
I use TextMate primarily for its Latex bundle. My pdf viewer is Skim. Everything I use is up to date, including my system and TextMate 2 revision. Something has changed in the last two weeks which slows my work flow. I normally use command-tab to switch between TM and Skim. I do this many times a day. But now, each time I return to TM, my active file is no longer the focus. I cannot even find it by cycling around with command-'. Instead, I have to go to Window in the TM menu to find it. The file seems to be in a different place altogether from the rest of my files, as everything slides to the left to make space for it. Furthermore, the menu bar becomes hidden. I do not want the menu bar to disappear. I would like to return to the way things were. It was clean and simple.
p.s. I apologize if I am not using the correct language.
„Recent Projects” (correctly) includes my local copy of “RSpec.tmbundle”
– but if I double click to open it TextMate tries to install the bundle
and gives me a “The bundle RSpec is already installed” dialog. (Same for
using enter instead of double clicking.)
Only a minor nuisance of course, but maybe it can be fixed easily?
I’d like to have a way to disable autoclosing of overflow tabs. I know it has been asked before and explained why it works this way.
My problem is that closed tabs also loose undo-history so even if it’s easy to reopen them for me it’s not a solution. Of course I’m open to any other solution for the undo-history problem.
📢 twitter/elia
☕️ github/elia
It seems the "check all" and "uncheck all" menu options were removed from the
Git commit dialog.
Is there a reason for this? And could they be making a comeback at some
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Git-commit-dialog-Check-All-removed-t…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm not a programmer, but I would definitely like a simple way to control versioning. I use text mate for HTML, CSS, and basic PHP. I personally hate Apple's versions, and they have caused problems, so I disabled them in apps that had them on by default.
Being not very technical when it comes to certain things, I have never used Git, Mercurial, and don't know where to start.
If some simple versioning system was put into textmate, I would use it right away. The ability to show differences between versions would be great for things like HTML and CSS, and highlighting would make that easy. We would need the ability to control the highlight color (background color and text color) since we all use different syntax highlighting themes.
The size of bookmarks and arrows for folding blocks in the gutter seems larger to me in TM2.0-beta1. I prefer a very small size and do not know how to change that. Through gutterSettings in my theme (Mac Classic)? I would welcome any help with this.
Related: I don't see an option to toggle bookmarks and/or block-folding arrows in the menus. Is it possible via .tm_properties?
--Gildas Hamel