Is committing to git submodules supposed to work? I have a project which
uses a git submodule. I open the project in TM, make some changes in the
submodule and then commit. It looks like everything went fine but in the
result window I get "Changes not staged for commit" and "no changes
added to commit". Running "git status" in the submodule I see that the
changes are not committed.
/Jacob Carlborg
Latest textmate changed the CMD+T dialog to a 'view based' list
I'd really love a slightly more compact view personally (smaller icon size)
but I'm gradually getting accustomed to it
One thing I've noticed is the list selection resets sometimes while the
list is filling..
1) Type a substring which matches lots of entries
2) TM auto selects the first entry as expected
3) Now arrow down to the next item in the list
Now, if the search is still chugging away, as soon as it finds a new entry,
the new match is appended to the list, but this also resets the selection
to the top item
The net result is that quite often I am typing a filename, arrow down, and
in between that and hitting enter, its very quickly reselecting the first
item, and Im opening the file I didn't intend to.
I'm hoping this is something you can reproduce and fix please?
I recently upgraded to Yosemite and these two commands do not work. I change
the key to Command+D
and type it when i have \ref{|}. In mavericks this would give me a list of
all the labels. However now I get
the following
`recursive_scan': undefined method `each_with_index' for
#<String:0x007fd96b06fcb0> (NoMethodError)
from /tmp/temp_textmate.Jyk2v5:8:in `<main>'
Has anyone encountered something similar?
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I’m not sure this is the proper place to ask this, but:
SCM Diff Gutter bundle doesn’t show anything to me in the gutter.
I'm on the 2.0-beta.6.5, installed the bundle in Preferences, working on a project versioned with Git.
Is there anything else I should have done?
I have a suspicion this can’t be done, but perhaps I’ve just missed something.
I’m trying to write a snippet to insert operator declarations in Swift. The basic syntax is
(postfix|infix|prefix) operator <name> { }
But, if we are declaring an infix operator, we may also add
precedence <level>
associativity (left|right|none)
inside the curly brackets.
This is what I’ve got, based on the example at the end of section 6.8 in the manual.
${1|infix,prefix,postfix|} operator ${2:name} { ${1/(infix)|prefix|postfix/${1:+\n\tassociativity ${3|left,right, none|}\n\tprecedence${4:level}\n}/}}
As you can see if you can read that lot, I’m trying to use $3 and $4 as placeholders within the conditional insertion.
It doesn’t work of course. I assume this is because in that context $3 and $4 refer to captures from the regular expression. Is that so? Is there any way round this?
Thanks to anyone who can help
Nigel Chapman
There’s a neat feature in Find dialog. When you hold down ⌘ the file icon
for each file in results window changes to a number that you can press
to get to it.
Implementing something in similar fashion for file tabs would be
a great addition as it’s hard to guess the number when there’s
more than 5 tabs open.
In TM2, when a <script …> tag is prepended by any whitespace, the scope changes from `meta.tag.any.html` to `source.js.embedded.html`. This causes problems with the Comment Line command, as with the latter scope it prepends JS comments instead of HTML comments.
This problem exists when either HTML or PHP language is set for the document.
I don't think I've modified these language bundles. Any ideas for a fix?
I need to type special characters (ä, ü, ö, ß) quite often.
Normally on MacOS applications this is done by press-and-hold a key and
then select the special character. For applications where this gets in the
way (e.g. MacVim) this can be disabled.
TextMate 2 seems to have this feature disabled by default. I can't figure
out how to enable it. The command 'defaults write
com.macromates.TextMate.preview ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true' does
not work.
Any tips?
I'm using TextMate 2.0-beta.6.3 on MacOS 10.10.1.
Best regards,
When I write javascript (in a .js file, bundle set to javascript) the behaviour when typing return after a curly bracket is different than when I write a shader (OpenGL bundle chosen) (the difference is the insertion of an extra line before the closing bracket). I see similar differences with indentation and where the cursor ends up after new line between bundles.
Is this behaviour something I can set or program myself? If so, how?
Kind Regards,