I notice this long time ago but I though that it will be fixed at some point,
but looks like it won’t.
Most of the shortcuts are not working when I have Russian keyboard layout active.
Some of them do work though. For example ⌃W selects the word but it won’t select
the next occurrence of the word.
⌃⇧K and ⌃⇧D and many others though don’t work at all.
I think that everything that resides in the upper menu works with any layout,
everything else works only when using English layout for me.
I guess this question has already been answered, but I cannot find the
answer, and Google does not help:
How to enable these alternative edition modes in Textmate 2.0?
I like to use Soft Wrap. I also like to Use Window Frame as the Wrap Column. In other words, I like to wrap the text to the window.
How can we, completely independent of this, display a vertical line at a given column?
I can't do this with "Show Wrap Column" because it is connected to my Wrap Column setting. If I set that to 80, my Use Window Frame goes away.
Hiya Everybody,
I’m trying to group commands in a bundle, and to create directions for others on how to do so. Unfortunately I’ve been unable to successfully move a single bundle item.
I feel like I’m very close, and I wonder if anyone could tweak these steps to make it work.Â
Please and thanks!
How to move, order or group bundle items in a TextMate 2 Bundle?
** Disclaimer: This does not work**
It seems that it is a manual process of editing a info.plist, using uuidgen on you script to generate the correct uuid for the info.plist.Â
But others indicate this is less than successful.
This is what is suggested by all the research I could find (Linked below). I'm leaving it here in hopes that someone can more easily find the missing piece and improve it. I've even sent a copy along to the TextMate Mailing List to see if they can find the flaws.
First back up your bundle. Then using XCode's plist editor, open your bundle's info.plist.
Creat this structure if you dont already have it.
1. Right click -> Add Row -> "mainMenu".
2. Change "mainMenu"'s type to Dictionary.
3. Create nested items "submenus", "items", and "excludedItems", changing "submenus" and "excludedItems" to "Dictionary" and "items" to Array as you go
4. Open Terminal.app and run the command `uuidgen`
5. Copy the output. Â (from now on called [UUID#1])
6. Create a new item under "submenus", naming it by pasting [UUID#1]
7. Change [UUID#1]'s type to Dictionary.
8. Add a child to [UUID#1] named "name", set its value to "Network Scripts" (or whatever)
9. Add a child to [UUID#1] named "items", set its type to Array
10. Add items using the (+) button, each item is a UUID from your commands. To get this UUID, open the command's file in TextMate. If you try to Open the .tmCommand file directly TextMate will complain, "The bundle item [Bundle Item]; is already installed".Â
 a) You can simply open the Commands folder, and textmate won't mind opening the files from the file drawer.
 b) or `mate ~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Bundles/[Your Bundle]/Commands/[Your Command].Â
11. When the file is open find these lines. You're string will be different but formatted the same.
 This is the UUID for your command. Now known as [UUID#2]
12. Go back to the info.plist, in step 9 you created a "items" array, add [UUID#2] to the array.
13. Add [UUID#2] to a “ordering" (type Array) object on the root of the xml.
14. Repeat 10 - 13 to add multiple items.
15. Save.
Graham P Heath
Hi All,
While writing a grammar for programs written in the Racket language, I
have stumbled upon a problem.
In Racket #| starts a multiline comment and |# ends it.
The problem is that multiline comments can be nested:
#| a comment #| still a comment |# even
more comment |#
Here is my non-working attempt:
begin: \#\|
end: \|\#
name: comment
contentName: comment
- include: "#multilinecomment"
name: comment
- match: ([^\|]|\|(?=[^#]))*
name: comment
The intent of the match patterns are:
"#multilinecomment" A multiline comment can contain another multiline comment.
The meaning of the subexpressions:
[^\|] any characters not an `|`
\|(?=[^#]) an `|` followed by a non-`#`
The entire expression thus matches a string not containg |#
Is it possible to match nested multiline comments correctly?
Jens Axel Søgaard
Sorry for the delayed response.
I use Typeset & View so the changes I made to latex_watch.pl must then be
irrelevant. Fyi, I never thought there was ever a problem with the
refresh_viewer script. I always thought that the problem was that the
script was being called from elsewhere with the wrong viewer supplied as a
parameter. I could not track down where it's called from (I know very
little about bundles) so my workaround was to just rewrite the script to
open Skim regardless of what viewer it's given as a parameter. I mentioned
this only because it pinpoints the code that is opening TeXShop, and hence
might have been helpful information for debugging the issue, though that
may now be unnecessary:
As suggested I reset to defaults and then installed the LaTeX bundle
again. The Bundles -> LaTeX -> Preferences... command stopped functioning
but TeXShop no longer opens when type setting. After several restarts the
Preferences command has resumed functioning and the TeXShop issue remains
fixed. This means that currently all my issues have been resolved. Thanks!
> On Jan 7, 2015, at 3:22 AM, textmate-request(a)lists.macromates.com wrote:
> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 09:21:10 +0100
> From: Carsten Hoever <hoever(a)gmx.de <mailto:hoever@gmx.de>>
>> This is a from a file from Strava generated on an iPhone.
>> Is there a way to convert it to gpx?
> I don't think you will get any useful answers here, as this is not a Textmate specific problem. But since I am at it: have you considered simply exporting the activity from Strava as GPX? There are even automatic services for doing that (tapiriik) if you don't want to do it manually. In case you have more questions I suggest you reply to my e-mail address and not the TxMt list.
> Regards,
> Carsten
Oops, senior moment. Wrong group. But thank you for the suggestions, I’ll look at tapriniik. I guess my search was too narrow. I didn’t see how to export from Strava. I thought it should do it, but wasn’t seeing it. Will look harder. I just got the paid membership to see how it handled heart rate data, although have had a little used free account for some time.