I can no longer use these handy shortcuts for
<%= ... %>
<% ... %>
I've checked the rails bundle and it looks fine. Any ideas?
:::: DataFly.Net ::::
Complete Web Services
I sent this already, but I think I sent it slightly before I was added to
the list and I don't see it on the archives.
How does TextMate determine if a particular bundle is applicable to the
files I'm editing? I can insert snippets that are in the Ruby bundle, but
the Rails bundle snippets never expand when I hit tab.
I've noticed that the TextMate Ruby bundle doesn't recognize .rjs file
as Ruby(/Rails), and chooses Plain Text.
I found directions here:
that tell how to modify the bundle to add .rjs. But I'm concerned that
doing so will interfere with doing svn updates to get the latest and
greatest bundle updates.
Is there any plan on adding this to the official Ruby bundle?
I was just watching Allan's latest screencast and wanted to add
support for some of the techniques used in block comments. However,
I noticed that the Javadoc blocks are scoped with
comment.documentation.java. I probably created it that way, but it
seems like it should really be "comment.block.documentation.java".
* this is a block comment
* this is a javadoc block comment
I could scope the snippets for comment.block and
comment.documentation, but I still think the latter should extend
from the former. Is this the desired scope for those types of doc
comments, or was this overlooked?
Brian Lalor
I'm new here. Can you let me know the entire list of Emacs
keybindings that work on TextMate?
I found a default Cocoa/Emacs keybidings information at <http://
Tasks/TextDefaultsAndBindings.html>, but could not open the file
specified (i.e., /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/
Resources/ StandardKeyBinding.dict) with appropriate encodings.
I searched this list and wiki, but couldn't get the answer.
Thanks for you attenstion,
>[2006-04-10: REVISION 961]
>[CHANGED] The scope of the caret is now that of the character to the
>right of the caret, rather than that on the left side.
I have a snippet that inserts a '_' in 'variable.other.php' scopes with
the spacebar. However, now that the scope is that which is to the right
of the caret, it doesn't work!
Shouldn't the current scope be set to "that text which is currently
being typed?" Either way, maybe you setup a pseudo selector to specify
which side of the caret to use, for example:
... for left side of caret, and ...
...for the right side?
I've a project containing about 1.5 M lines of C++ in about 6200 files.
When I try project wise search TextMate crashes on a 2GB MacBook. Is this
to be expected?
Cheers, Fons.
Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics.
Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers(a)cern.ch Phone: +41 22 7679248
WWW: http://fons.rademakers.org Fax: +41 22 7669640
Dear all,
I've recently switched to using mutt to handle my mail, which was getting a
bit out of hand.
As a result, I now use TextMate when writing emails and it occurred to me
that it would be lovely if TM supported format=flowed text.
The basic idea is this: instead of the horrible quoted mess that often
results in long threads, where some lines miss the quoting etc etc.
A full description can be found at http://joeclark.org/ffaq.html, and
technical details at http://www.eudora.com/techsupport/kb/1625hq.html and
My question is this: would it be feasible to implement this in TM, either in
the core or as a plugin, so that f=f text can be displayed, rewrapped and
reflowed? I suppose since the format=flowed headers come within the text of
the document, it would make more sense if it were a plugin, to be switched
on and off at will.
Anyone have any comments/suggestions?
i am a relatively new user of Textmate, and have it installed on 2
machines...for some reason, i can use 'command+/' to toggle comments on one
machine, and not the other...i suspect i may have messed it up with an edit
or addition i made in the bundle editor...how can i add this functionality
back?..thanks for any help....