Hello all,
I've been slowly (and I do mean slowly) putting together an ExpressionEngine
bundle over the last several months. It's mainly snippets, but it also can look
up a selected EE tag in the user manual and display it in a small TextMate
window. It has code highlighting, but I'm not sure I've set it up correctly. I
also don't have all the EE tags implemented.
Which leads me to the reason I'm writing this. I've had several people tell me
they'd love to try out the bundle, but I just don't have the time to make this
bundle work perfectly. What I'd like to do is add it to the list of available
bundles and let anyone who wants to make it better. The more people contributing
to it the better it will be.
Again, I'm not sure I've set up code highlighting correctly, so that should be
one of the first things people check out.
One note, EE tags can be used inside of other code (XHTML, XML, CSS, etc). In
order for highlighting to work correctly, I had to add an extra language inside
of the HTML and XHTML bundles called HTML (EE) and XHTML (EE). Is that the
correct way to do it or what?
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm not sure how people feel about attachments in this
list, so I didn't attach the bundle to this message. If someone could tell me
how to add it to the bundles list on the TextMate site or do it for me, that'd
be great. I'm looking forward to seeing how others improve the bundle.
- Chris
Thank you Thank you Thank you for the effort Chris I've been waiting for something like this. :)
Email: jamie(a)methnen.com
Web: http://www.methnen.com
Sent using Chattermail with a keyboard the size of my thumb so give me a break on the punctuation and spelling. Ok?
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Ruzin <cruzin(a)gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 2:44 pm
Subject: [TxMt] ExpressionEngine bundle
Hello all,
I've been slowly (and I do mean slowly) putting together an ExpressionEngine bundle over the last several months. It's mainly snippets, but it also can look up a selected EE tag in the user manual and display it in a small TextMate window. It has code highlighting, but I'm not sure I've set it up correctly. I also don't have all the EE tags implemented.
Which leads me to the reason I'm writing this. I've had several people tell me they'd love to try out the bundle, but I just don't have the time to make this bundle work perfectly. What I'd like to do is add it to the list of available bundles and let anyone who wants to make it better. The more people contributing to it the better it will be.
Again, I'm not sure I've set up code highlighting correctly, so that should be one of the first things people check out.
One note, EE tags can be used inside of other code (XHTML, XML, CSS, etc). In order for highlighting to work correctly, I had to add an extra language inside of the HTML and XHTML bundles called HTML (EE) and XHTML (EE). Is that the correct way to do it or what?
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm not sure how people feel about attachments in this list, so I didn't attach the bundle to this message. If someone could tell me how to add it to the bundles list on the TextMate site or do it for me, that'd be great. I'm looking forward to seeing how others improve the bundle.
- Chris
______________________________________________________________________ For new threads USE THIS: textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
(threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't) http://lists.macromates.com/mailman/listinfo/textmate
Here is a useful bundle for testing out ruby snippets. It includes a
script from eigenclass.org[1].
⌘= insert/remove an eval marker for the current line
⌘E evaluates and annotate the file according to the markers
If there are errors they are placed at the end of the file.
Examples (after eval):
(1..10).each do |i|
i ** i # => 1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, 46656, 823543, 16777216,
387420489, 10000000000
(1..10).to_a # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Unfortunately you can't do something like this:
(1..10).each do |i|
i ** i
end # =>
[1]: http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?xmp+redux%3A+expanding+test
-- Daniel
Hi there.
When you preview web pages containing iframes that drag in
information from the web, the frame displays as filled with unicode
characters (instead of the programmed content).
You can see this by viewing this email in textmate (cntrl-cmd-E).
Compare that to what you get if you view the email in safari (you
can't just view, as it will have a .mail extension - reveal in finder
and toggle this to html then double click.
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?
&bg1=ffffff&f=ifr" style="width:120px;height:240px;"
scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" align=right
Last week I posted about a little tool I made to allow editing of SQL
data within textmate.
I've turned this program into a bundle, which you can download here:
See the help command for more information.
It seems to require Ruby 1.8.4, why this is I'm not sure yet. I'm
very much a ruby newbie.
Also, I can't seem to get rid of the HTML output window as I need the
edit process to be run in a separate
window from the main textmate window (otherwise it freezes and I
can't load anything into it). Is there a
way to spawn a new background process, and then end my initial
textmate command process?
Anyway, I'd love to hear if anyone finds this useful. I myself use it
to edit my Textpattern site's templates,
as they are all stored inside the database.
Just to give back a little, I made a change to the Tidy command in the
HTML bundle (actually, made a new bundle and copied code and changed
When running the stock Tidy HTML command on an HTML document that was
created by saving a Microsoft Word document as HTML, it completely
deletes the contents document! In my duplicate of the Tidy command, I
added an option for Tidy to know it's dealing with a Word document.
I added: --word-2000 yes to the tidy command in the bundle. The
first few lines now are:
"${TM_TIDY:-tidy}" -f /dev/null -iq -utf8 -asxhtml -wrap 0 --tab-size
$TM_TAB_SIZE --word-2000 yes --indent-spaces $TM_TAB_SIZE
${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:+--show-body-only yes}|\
Now it cleans all of the extra MS junk that's added to a document.
There's still a little clean up to do (it doesn't delete the
<o:p></o:p> useless tags, but that's easy to do.)
Hope this helps someone!
I have created a few commands that are analogous to the Subversion
commands which diff against a revision, but instead of generating a
diff output, the result is sent to FileMerge for viewing, which IMHO
is a whole lot easier to read.
The commands look like this:
require_cmd "${TM_SVN:=svn}" "If you have installed svn, then you
need to either update your <tt>PATH</tt> or set the <tt>TM_SVN</tt>
shell variable (e.g. in Preferences / Advanced)"
require_cmd opendiff "You must install the Apple developer tools to
run FileMerge."
filemerge.sh looks like this:
# $1 = svn revision
# $2 = full path to file ($TM_FILEPATH)
# First see if the file is under svn control
FILE=`basename "$2"`
INFO_LINES=`svn info 2>&1 > /dev/null | wc -l`
if [ $INFO_LINES -eq 2 ]; then
echo "The current file is not under subversion control"
exit 206
SIZE=`svn diff -r $1 "$2" | wc -m`
if [ $SIZE -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No difference"
exit 206
INODE=`stat -f "%i" "$2"`
svn cat -r $1 "$2" > "$TMPPATH"
opendiff "$TMPPATH" "$2"
To create a command for a different revision, change BASE in the
command to something else (e.g. HEAD or PREV).
"If you dare to fail, you are bound to succeed."
- Sri Chinmoy | www.srichinmoylibrary.com
I know that it has been discussed before -- but I have yet to find the
command or step(s) to effectively translate high-ascii characters -- like
emdashes and smart quotes -- that were written in Word tr html.
I still have stuff like the following:
s in three statesâ€"New Hampshire, Washington, and Coloradoâ€"that are
any tips?
David Clark
Web Specialist
Institute for Community Inclusion (http://www.communityinclusion.org/)
(617) 287-4318
Hi all,
Sorry for this - it's probably something very obvious that I'm
missing - it might be a default Mac feature that I'm not aware of.
Here's the situation...
I want to check a file into subversion. I hit Shift+Control+a and
select Commit. I enter my comment in the Summary of changes panel.
Now I want to 'hit' the Commit button without my hands leaving the
keyboard (i.e. not using the mouse). I've tried every key combo I can
think of, but I couldn't find one. Anyone?
P.S. Allan, I absolutely _love_ TextMate. I would buy a Mac just to
use this program.
Carpe viam,
Michael Larocque
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Prolumina Communications Inc.
I would be very very very very happy if there was a way to have a
TextMate textview totally replace the Xcode editor. I'm sure others
have asked for this, but searching through the list was painful on my
slow-ass internet connection, so I make the request here.
The idea is that you could write a SIMBL wrapper or an Xcode plugin
wrapper (the API, though private, has been documented) around a
subclass of the Xcode TextView (a dump of the framework - used to be
called PBX.framework or some such would garner the class) and then
basically do a poseAs.
I, for one, would certainly be willing to pay for this feature. That
is, I already own TM, and I would happily buy another license for
this product for $40. What are the odds, difficulties, etc of this?