There are some problems with the blogging bundle with Wordpress 2.2. Pings
and Comments are always set to off.
I know it has been mentioned before and it seems to be a bug in WP. I
didn't see a bug report on the WP trac and am not really too familiar with
the API, so could you clarify what's causing this and whether it really is
a WP bug so I can submit a bug report to the WP guys?
Hi, I've been using TextMate for almost a year now and I think it's great,
except for one feature which I find annoying - when you select a block of
text and hit a pair key (Eg. ', ", [, < etc) instead of overwriting the
selected text it nestles it in between two of the key you pressed.
I thought that I'd probably get used to it in a few weeks but I guess I
haven't and I still find it really annoying when I forget to hit backspace
first. So I was just wondering if anyone knew of a way to disable the
Many thanks!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Disabling-the-%27pairs-around-selected-text%27-featur…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Is there any fast way to generate doxygen style comments for c++ functions
based on what parameters the function is passed and what it returns? I have
some existing code without any comments, and I was looking for a quick way
to put in template comment blocks that I can go through and fill in details
thanks for the help,
Okay, I give. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get
TextMate to print using something like a 9pt type. I've tried growing
and shrinking my screen type face, but that doesn't seem to have any
affect. Adjusting the default type size in Preferences has some
effect, but not all that much that I can tell. What am I missing?
Sorry for my bad english
Hello :)
I'm a big fan of TextMate for LateX. I can't work without this very
fine tool
My site (www.altermundus.fr) is a classic one with html and css.
I present a lot of pictures and LaTeX codes but I would like now to
use a database
for my png pictures and all my files or (pages ?)
I'm a neewbie with Python and Ruby so i don'tknow what is the best
tool to make this
with texmate.
A lot of scripts in Textmate are ruby scripts so perhaps it's more
to learn Ruby but what is the tool the more esay to use with TexMate :
(Ruby and Rails) or (Python and Django) ?
I don't need a blog only a static web but with a database for the
pages and
aa simple method to create new one.
The Bundle is very important so what is the best bundle for my problem ?
Alain Matthes
On Jun 15, 2007, at 12:10 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
> I am forwarding you this, as I don’t think you’re subscribed.
Thanks. Correct, I'm not subscribed, although I've been reading this
thread via the archives. I can't realistically keep up with all of
the lists where WordPress XML-RPC issues might come up, so if you
don't mind making me aware of them I'm happy to work on them as they
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Christoph Koehler" <christoph.koehler(a)gmail.com>
>> Date: 15. Jun 2007 05:14:40 GMT+02:00
>> To: textmate(a)lists.macromates.com
>> Subject: [TxMt] Re: Wordpress 2.2 and Pings/Comments
>> Reply-To: TextMate users <textmate(a)lists.macromates.com>
>>> I've deployed the patch for this to all wordpress.com blogs.
>>> There is also a ticket for wordpress.org:
>>> http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4469
>>> I'll follow up and make sure the committers there are aware of it.
>>> Thanks for point this out and doesn't hesitate to contact me
>>> about any other questions/issues/bugs that come up in XML-RPC for
>>> WordPress.
>> Thanks for the quick action! That's really amazing! I tested the
>> patch on my local install and comments work fine now, but pings
>> are still always disabled.
I tested it against my local install as well and both ping and
comments settings worked as expected. I did this with a PHP script
though, not TextMate. Christoph can you (or someone else) confirm
exactly what TextMate is sending over the wire? A dump of the exact
XML data that is being sent might provide some clues as to why ping
status isn't being properly set.
Joseph Scott
Hi there,
I 've just found a post like this:
>> I didn't know where else to ask this question. If I purchase a
>> single licenses for TextMate can I use it on a
>> Desktop and a Laptop? (As long as I'm not using them at the same
>> time?) I ask this question because I believe
>> it was true with the Office 2004 Student and Teacher Edition license.
Allan answered:
> Yes -- it's a personal license, so as long as you are the user or
> TextMate is running on your machine, everything is fine (needs to put
> that somewhere on the site :) ).
but I need to know if I can use textmate on my laptop at work? I got
a personal MacBook at home and a company's MacBook Pro at work and
both would running textmate nut not at the same time and only used by
I know... 39 EUR are not expensive for this mighty mighty editor but
If I can save money... :-)
PS: Good work, Allan :-)
I've stumbled on a problem with TextMate's python handling which goes
into an infinite loop (or a really long computation) during certain
circumstances. When this happens, TextMate doesn't react to any input
anymore, which causes dataloss of everything typed after the last save.
I have the following function (<> only shows the position of the
caret and is no text) in a python file:
def c(docstring, baseindent=0):
#from http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/
lines = docstring.splitlines()
# Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count):
indent = sys.maxint
for line in lines[1:]:
stripped = line.lstrip()
if stripped:
indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped))
# Remove indentation (first line is special):
trimmed = [<>lines[0].strip()]
if indent < sys.maxint:
indent -= baseindent
for line in lines[1:]:
# Return a single string:
return '\n'.join(trimmed)
Now I type ]<enter> and watch TextMate die. It'd be cool if this
could be fixed.
To reproduce the problem:
1. Open TextMate
2. Paste the above function into TextMate, put your caret where <> is
(and remove <> from the text)
3. Go into python mode (shift-ctrl-opt-p 4)
4. enter ]<cr>
Having a hard time to get ruby scripts to recognize modules. Checked "$:"
and got the following:
The module I am trying to "require" is in this list (the first listing in
fact). When I try to to run script from TextMate "command + R" the script
keeps failing. When I ask text mate to get required "shift + command + D"
TextMate complains that it can not find require "snmp". When I run script
from the terminal though it finds the 'require' I requested. Any ideas?
TextMate has been crashing on me in the find dialog and I found this solution:
So, I disabled history for the find dialog and now the text inputs are
small text fields instead of text boxes. Any ideas?