I keep getting a message saying there was a problem updating my
bundles. I checked the console and I'm seeing this message:
svn: Can't connect to host 'validcode.net': Operation timed out
I've had a problem with the find dialog. It does not crash, but all the
buttons (not the text fields!) simply become unresponsive. It's been
reported before, but I just experienced it twice in a week.. :(
The only workaround that I know is to restart TextMate, which is bloody
Anyone else experiencing this more now as well?
[1]: November 2005!
There may be an obvious answer to this question - if so, my apologies,
but I can't see it!
Is there any way to search (and replace) within only a subset of the
files within a project?
Best wishes,
When I hit Command+O, the directory I'm put in is the one for the
project, but I would prefer that the directory match the file that I'm
currently editing (which is often in a subdirectory of the project).
I guess that most of the time I open a file, I'm opening a sibling to
the file I'm currently editing. I have this behavior with UltraEdit on
Windows and find it quite productive.
hi all,
I am currently getting a textmate crash every time I right-click on a
word to bring up the CM, e.g. to spell check. Is anyone else seeing
I have recently changed a number of things about my environment which
make it harder to pin down the factors that might be contributing,
which include:
- I have moved to a macbook pro
- then, I just installed the recent (intel) 10.4.10 update.
- I installed the Safari 3 Beta
I *think*, but am not positive, that the right-click did not cause a
TM crash on the 'out of the box' macbook pro.
As far as I can ascertain the problem is only with Textmate - other
cocoa apps work okay.
Here's a crash report: http://s3.amazonaws.com/amy/tm_crash_report.txt
I have a question regarding utf-8 encoding and the interaction of
TextMate and TeXShop. I have been using utf-8 encoding now for a while.
Many of my files have been prepared in TeXShop, in utf8 encoding. Now
that I can open them in TextMate and use Latex Watch, with the variable
TM_LATEX_VIEWER TeXShop on---a terrific combination---, I get the
following TeXShop message which I'd like to avoid:
``This file was opened with MacOSRoman encoding.
The file could not be opened with Unicode (UTF-8) encoding because it
was not saved with that encoding. If you wish to open in another
encoding, close the window and open again.''
The pdf shows perfectly in TeXShop viewer, which I prefer for now. How
can I avoid the message I get from TeXShop?
Top of my file is:
--Gildas Hamel
Quote from Koch of TeXShop to Bastian Philipps at
> Here is how TeXShop works: Internally it uses unicode. When it comes
> time to write out the file, the internal representation is converted to
> a string
> using an encoding. (This is necessary even if the encoding is a Unicode
> encoding, because the Unicode standard doesn't specify a particular way
> of writing unicode to disk. So utf-8 is one possible unicode
encoding, but
> not the only one.)
> What happens if there is a unicode character in the text which is not
> available
> in the particular encoding chosen? Apple's routines contain a parameter
> which
> indicates whether this should create an error or if instead the
> character should
> just be ignored or converted to something else. I choose "ignore or
> convert to
> something else." So if you type, say, a Euro symbol, but the encoding
> doesn't
> support it, then TeXShop will still write out the file.
> There is somewhat similar code when you read text from disk. Apple's
> routines
> require that an encoding be specified, and then the file is converted
> into Apple's
> internal unicode form and displayed in the editor.
> But this time there is another problem. Suppose the encoding is utf-8
> unicode,
> and the file isn't legal urtf-8. Then when Apple's code reads the file,
> it suddenly
> says "wait, this doesn't make sense." In that case, it stops reading and
> reports
> an error to TeXShop. TeXShop then puts up the dialog you have reported
> and reads the file again in MacOSRoman. (Every file is a legal MacOSRoman
> file.)
As it is my first time, I am not sure how to submit contributions to
the Actionscript bundle, attached is a diff for the
build_with_mtasc.rb file to add the allowFullScreen="true" parameter
to both object and embed in the html template used to test the swf in
This is useful for people working on projects that needs the flash9
fullscreen support.
Please let me know if it is ok :)
Fabricio C Zuardi
Hello all,
I use the Pascal bundle quite a bit, and - while the Pascal bundle is MUCH better about understanding what a (to use the C term) prototype is vs a definition, it still fails when looking at functions (pascal methods that return a value).
So: it doesn't know that "FUNCTION something: Boolean; forward;" is supposed to be a prototype. It does work, however, with procedures (pascal methods that don't return values): "PROCEDURE something; forward;" is known to be a prototype, and is rightly marked as such.
I'll also admit I'm partially to blame for this: in March (15th) when I suggested a regex on how to find a prototype, my examples were wrong: I had improperly labelled my PROCEDURES as FUNCTIONS.
After my .sig in this email is a test case for prototypes vs definitions in Pascal, with 10 kinds of prototypes and 5 different kinds of definitions.
FWIW, I also had to create a new preference item, to turn off ShowInSymbolList for meta.function.prototype.pascal, entity.name.function.prototype.pascal, to get even Procedures to be ignored. I'm not sure what's up with that...
Hopefully the unit test will help get this bug nailed down once and for all, and someone who's more familiar with the prototype regex than I (Chris Thomas??) can add this to it.
Thanks very much,
_Ryan Wilcox
Wilcox Development Solutions: <http://www.wilcoxd.com>
Toolsmiths for the Internet Age PGP: 0x2F4E9C31
{You shouldn't see any of the 10 declarations, below this point, on the Symbol List}
FUNCTION 1.ExternalFunctionDefinitionPrototype(param: type): Boolean; external;
FUNCTION 2.FunctionNoParamPrototype: Boolean; attribute (name = 'FunctionNoParam');
FUNCTION 3.FunctionParameterPrototype(param: type): Boolean; attribute (name = 'FunctionParameterPrototype');
FUNCTION 4.FunctionForwardNoParamPrototype: Boolean; forward;
PROCEDURE 5.ProcExternalDefinitionPrototype(param: type); external;
PROCEDURE 6.ProcParamPrototype(param: type); attribute (name = 'ProcNoParamPrototype');
PROCEDURE 7.ProcNoParamPrototype; attribute (name = 'ProcNoParamPrototype');
PROCEDURE 8.ProcNoParamForwardPrototype; forward;
PROCEDURE 9.ProcParamForwardPrototype(param: type); forward;
procedure 10.bob(something: somethingElse); external;
{You SHOULD see the 5 definitions, below this point, on the Symbol List}
FUNCTION 1.FunctionNoParamFunction: Boolean;
FUNCTION 2.FunctionParameterFunction(param: type): Boolean;
PROCEDURE 3.ProcNoParamProcedure(param: type);
PROCEDURE 4.ProcParamProcedure(param: type);
PROCEDURE 5.ProcNoParamProcedure;
There's a new version of the Latex Watch package available here:
This release fixes various problems, and adds support for the Skim previewer.
PDFSync synchronisation works in both directions, when Skim is used.
Thanks to Jannis Hermanns for bug reports and testing.
Any problems, let me know.
Greetings. I saw a neat feature in another editor, and I was
wondering if there was similar functionality in TextMate. If there
is, I haven't found it yet and a pointer would be most appreciated.
When making a selection, I was wondering if there was some interface
point that easily displayed how many characters were selected.
My use case? Constructing HTTP Requests and wishing to supply the
accurate content length quickly and easily. I can imagine other use
cases as well, but this is the one that I can see needing most often.
Robert M. Zigweid