Hello, everyone.
I have written a more Xcode like completion extension for tm_dialog. My
guess is that this is of interrest to more people than me. The code has
not been commited yet, but I have made a screencast to show of some of the
[ http://mail.mac.se/joachimm/TextMateCodeCompletionEnhancements.mov ]
, right now I am looking for suggestions for the programmatic and user
what I have so far
"$DIALOG" -f -p '{suggestions = ({title = "foo";filterOn = "foo";},{title
= "bar";filterOn = "bar";snippet = "(${1:hello}, ${2:again})";});
mutablePrefix = "fo"; staticPrefix = "";}
as you can see you need to populate an array called 'suggestions' with
dicts with the keys 'title' and 'filterOn', the key 'snippet' is optional.
you also have to give the keys mutablePrefix which is the prefix when you
launched the command. plus the optional staticPrefix which is handy when
you are completing things that are multipart such as objective-c methods
(it is not really necessary since filterOn does not have to have the same
prefix as title).
Once the command is running it should work as follows.
* an alphanumeric key press appends to mutablePrefix, there by potentially
limiting the list of candidates.
* a tab press inserts the longest common prefix among the candidates, this
will ofcourse never limit the list in itself, but can quickly be followed
up with a alphanumeric keypress, thereby saving lots of typing.
* a return inserts the current selection in the list, plus its snippet key
if there is one.
* delete removes a char, if this moves the caret before the beginning of
the search prefix the dialog goes away
* up/down moves in the list
* any other key closes the dialog and hands control back to TextMate.
What are your thought, am I missing something that could be useful for
your language?
Thanks in advance.
Joachim MÃ¥rtensson
I'm using the LaTeX bundle from SVN, updated daily (currently at
r8019). One of my documents has the following line of text, which
causes the syntax highlighting to misfire:
\textbf{Top row} - Manifold Pressure (`` HG) and Fuel Pressure ($
The fact that the quotes are not closed seems to be the problem.
But, I believe this is a perfectly legal usage, if you want to use an
abbreviation for "inches".
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada
I think it would be very useful for TextMate to identify the type of a
script file based on the shebang line. This would be particularly
useful for scripts without suffixes. In my opinion, an identification
made this way would take precedence over one done based on the file
For example if the first line of the script named "do_some_stuff" was
"#!/bin/env bash", then the file type would be a Bourne Shell script
file and Shell script (bash) syntax would be turned on.
Dear All,
I recall that the Blogging Bundle has never been able to handle Movable
Type's conception of "Categories" (ditto for BlogMate, I think).
However, I also recall that the developer hoped that this would be
ameliorated with future versions of MT. With the major update to MT4.0,
I still don't seem to get category information on the posts. Any ideas
for fixes or workarounds?
I saw a thread on this in the forum, but I still have this problem. I
just installed revision 1405 and activated the bundle. It registered
successfully. But in Safari 2.0.4 it does nothing. I saw a post saying
this combination works, but not for me. Any ideas?
Hi All: I'm a new Textmate user. (I love it.) Was trying to use
the blogging bundle with a Typepad blog. I'm having difficulties
trying to get it through the first test fetch of recent posts.
I've been working with Typepad support for the past few days as I
assumed the problem was on their end. They're pushing back to
Textmate now. They claim Typepad supports the metaWeblog XML-RPC API
in their Knowledge Base: a search for "metaweblog api" and it returns
an article called "TypePad and Desktop Clients" at an obscenely
unreadable URL.
The only Typepad discussion I found on the Textmate mailing list
search was this old unanswered post:
I found no discussion in the original post comments that helped either:
My setup line looks like the following:
# Blog Name URL
Once More Unto the Breach http://stephenrwalli@typepad.com/t/
It prompts me for a password, then returns:
Received Exception: HTTP-Error: 302 Found No posts are available!
I've also tried:
http://stephenrwalli@typepad.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi#1http://stephenrwalli@typepad.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgihttp://stephenrwalli@typepad.com/t/apihttp://stephenrwalli@typepad.com/t/api#1http://www.typepad.com/t/api [which prompts for both username and
passwd and returns Invalid Login (403)]
I would assume I should receive a post or two per the demonstration
video. I'm not a constant blogger, but have 4 posts in the last 30 days.
Are there places I haven't looked yet?
Ideas? More information I can dig out?
kindest regards,
Stephen R. Walli
mailto: stephen.walli(a)gmail.com
mobile: +1 425 785 6102
skype: stephen.walli
IM: stephenrwalli at AIM | YIM | Hotmail OR stephen.walli at gmail
blog: http://stephesblog.blogs.com (Once More unto the Breach)
podcast: http://stephenrwalli.libsyn.com (Once More unto the Breach
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stephenrwalli
If I edit a file which is considered "external" to my subversion
repository (think plugin in a Rails app) and then run the Commit
command from the Subversion bundle, it will include that file in the
commit process. But of course this will fail because I can't update a
file that isn't in my repository (it's external). I can uncheck the
check box every time but that is kind of a pain.
So I dug around in the Subversion bundle and changed line 94 of
svn_commit.rb to this:
status_command = %Q{"#{@svn_tool}" status --ignore-externals #
That just adds the "--ignore-externals" option so I no longer have
this problem. It makes sense to do this because the normal "svn
commit" command doesn't include external files. It would be great if
this change could be made to the original bundle so this ugly hack
won't be necessary. Thanks.
Hi there,
How come this file renders fine in safari b3 and webkit (screen grab below),
but preview in textmate gives this:
Or this:
Safari shows it fine as:
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and
I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea
and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. - George
Bernard Shaw
From the archives I see threads about a MT bundle for Textmate.
> From: Brad Choate <brad@...>
> Subject: Re: Bundle for Movable Type templates
Where might I find this bundle? Does such a bundle do syntax high-
lighting, or, instead, is this an interface to a blog API, for
example to upload posts to a blog...?
I am looking for a syntax high-lite so that I can avoid editing
templates in a web browser... :)
Thanks for any hints!
Is there a way in TextMate to create tag pair highlighting? I'm
basically still a novice with customizing TM. Here's what I'm thinking:
Basically I go through a lot of old code that is littered with nested
table, tr, td and span tags. It makes it difficult to find a tags
"pair". It would be nice to invoke a key command on a tag (be it
HTML, XHTML, PHP, Etc.), either the beginning tag or end tag and have
it highlight the corresponding tag. And to take it one step further
it would be nice to have a slightly different key strong highlight
the corresponding tag and all the contents between them.
Can anyone point me to a bundle that does this or a way to create it?