Does anybody know how to add ability to edit/add post slug (for
WordPress blog) in TM?
I like to post through TM but my posts mostrly in russian so slugs are
too... And that is very non frendly for IE/FFox users - if i want to
send them link to my post...
Alexey Blinov
Hi all,
The Hyperlink Helper bundle is fun, but it would be more useful for me to have a
macro that would auto-convert all urls in a text document to active
hyperlinks--eg, replacing:
Please visit my home page at http://mysite.net/home.html today!
Please visit my home page at <a
href="http://mysite.net/home.html">mysite.net/home.html</a> today!
or some variation on this.
I could write this macro as a RegExp global replace, but I was thinking someone
else may have already scripted it. If you know of a pre-existing macro, please
let me know.
BTW this forum has been very helpful and quick to respond in the past--thanks
for the support!
One extremely useful command that I use very frequently when editing code in
Visual Studio.net is the "back to previous edit location" command.
For example; I am editing file X on line 12. When editing I decide I need to
change something in file Y. After making the change I want to go back to
file X on line 12. This happens a lot of times during coding sessions.
(there is also a next edit location command that would go back to file Y, so
it's kind of navigating in a stack of edit location history).
Is this functionality already present in Textmate? If not, consider this as
a feature request. Also is this something I could add myself using Textmate
extensibility features?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/feature-request%3A-back-to-previous-edit-location-tf4…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I've been thinking about doing a smart codecompletion thing for HTML.
Then maybe CSS too.
The way it would work would be similar to how CSSEdit and Dreamweaver
code completion works.
Inside of an HTML tag, you hit space to bring up a list of attributes
that are valid for that tag.
Outside of an HTML tag you hit a key command or tab completion to
bring up a list of tags.
Also, it should be smart enough to insert xhtml tags or html4.0 tags
depending on the doctype.
Pretty simple really, but I'm not sure if people really want me to
share this or just do it for myself.
So, if you would use such a feature, please reply to this message.
Please also reply with what other features you'd like to see in this.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors
Ciao Folks,
is it just me or is there something broken in the 'Typeset and
View'-Command after Revision 8121?
Using an otherwise unchanged setup, I am getting the following output:
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/texMate.py", line
376, in ? isFatal,numErrs,numWarns = commandParser.parseStream() File
Support/TextMate/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/texparser.py", line
47, in parseStream fun(myMatch,line) File "/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/bin/texparser.py", line
237, in startLatex bp = LaTexParser(self.input_stream,self.verbose)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)
Any ideas?
hello list.
As I've mentioned before on Allans blog, I'm developing a plugin which
should ease developing Actionscript 2 with TextMate.
The plugin is a interface for Mtasc and has an integrated SocketServer which
can display your trace commands. It also has it's own browser (based on the
WebView of course), which can show which files are loaded by your flash
You can see some screenshots here: http://nesium.com/blog/flashmate/
It works pretty solid right now (I use it for production on a daily basis)
and I hope that I can release a beta version over the next week. So if
you're interested in using it, please drop me a line. I would be pretty
happy if someone could assist me in testing this thing!
One of the very few complaints I have regarding Textmate is how it
handles font sizes for printed documents. I have the apple 30" cinema
display (beautiful!). The problem is that if I have a reasonably
small size font on the screen, the print size is huge. In order to
get the print on the page down to a reasonable font size, I have to
reduce the screen font size down to practically microscopic!
The help system mentions something about the Source Bundle having a
"View Source as PDF" function, but I couldn't find that function.
Bundles -> Source does not show it.
Anyway, I was wondering what other users have done to mitigate this
I love how Monaco 11 looks like against my dark TM background when in the
"light" smoothing style. However I can't stand the rest of the OS text and
especially Helvetica in Safari and prefer those to be in "standard" style,
they all just look too fat in "light" while Monaco looks anaemic in
Thanks in advance
I love Find in Project's... preview window which shows every matched
line in every file in the project. I love it so much so that I often
use it even when I only care about a single file in a project and
just ignore the extraneous results of the other files.
Thus, I am always disappointed when editing a single file (not part
of a project) and I select Find in Project... only to be greeted with
a window titled "Find in Project: <none>" that only beeps at me when
I try to use it. :-(
This may already be on the docket for 2.0, but I'd much prefer if
"Find..." and "Find in Project..." were to always bring up the same
window (whether editing a single file or a project) with one
difference. The window would have a radio-button such as:
(o) Search in current file
( ) Search in project
With the selected radio button according to whether the user used
"Find in Project..." or "Find..." to bring up the window. For single
file editing, the control would be disabled.
I'm sure you can think of a better UI design; I'm just arguing that
the preview functionality is useful in more than just a project context.
Said window could even grow an additional feature:
(o) Search in current file
( ) Search in project
( ) Search files in project matching pattern: [......]
(It should go without saying that any unique features of the
"Find..." window should be available in this unified window.)
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious that makes this a poor
suggestion or difficult to implement. :-)
Can I please get the Grails <http://grails.codehaus.org> TextMate
bundle <http://ldaley.com/downloads/Grails.tmbundle.zip> considered
for inclusion in the bundles repository. It was primarily developed
by Graeme Rocher who developed the Groovy bundle which is in the
repository now. I am submitting this as I have made some changes/
additions with Graeme's blessing.
I would also like to get commit access to this bundle and the Groovy
bundle. What do I need to do to prove my worthiness so to speak? (not
meant to sound antagonizing)
- LD.