Hi all
I've been using the Objective-C bundle for about a year now for all my Cocoa
coding. It has a lot of nice features, but there are few shortcomings and I
was wondering if anyone is actively working on this.
A few things off the top of my head:
- No completion of new classes in leopard (eg. NSGradient, Core Animation
classes) or any syntax highlighting for new Objective-C 2.0 features.
- Cocoa classes are automatically highlighted (eg. declaring a variable as
NSRect will show "NSRect" highlighted). Other Apple classes like those in
CoreGraphics should also get the same treatment. Declaring a variable as a
CGRect won't show "CGRect" highlighted. Also help doesn't work for these
- "Completion: Partial Method Signature" is really handy for inserting
delegate method signatures. It does however insert different spacing then
the "Interface/Class Method" snippet.
For example in an interface file:
Typing "-awakeFromN<tab>" will insert "-(void)awakeFromNib;"
Typing "m<tab>" will insert "- (id)method:(id)anArgument;" (notice the extra
space after the "-")
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction here. I
searched the list archives and have tried the following.
Opened up ~/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Info.plist and found this
<string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>
Which I modified to be:
<string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>
I also later tried:
<string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>
Saved Info.plist, then Quit completely out of TextMate. Next, opened up an
existing rails project, but the 'index.html.erb' for example, still showed
the generic TextMate icon in the project drawer, not the tiny blue globe one
that 'rhtml' files use. (I really like the way it strikes the eye... what
can I say?)
Has anyone been able to get Rails 2.0's new 'html.erb', 'css.erb', etc.
files to show up in the drawer with teh sexy rhtml icon? =)
- Shanti
ps. this is probably completely unrelated, but I also went through Finder
and did the 'get info' -> 'change all' trick to open all 'html.erb' files in
TextMate, yet the icon in Finder remains the generic white OSX one, not
TextMate's. Figured that's an OS X thing but thought I'd mention it just in
Hello, I am new here and new to textmate which I love. I am not a programmer,
and use textmate as an outliner and word processor. I know that text mate is
more geared towards coders, but it has the features I need and the level of
community support is unheard of for a word processor.
My primary use of textmate is with a nearly fully transparent background
coupled with fully opaque text (foreground) and fully opaque line
highlighting. This allows me to focus on my text while watching my soothing
desktop backgrounds behind my work, or looking at my research.
I was wondering if it was possible, and easy (for a non technical person
such as myself) to not only have line highlighting, but also have the
current paragraph highlighted as well. My hope is to be able to have yellow
text over solid red line highlight, and the rest of the paragraph
highlighted a slightly opaque green on blue for a sort of secondary post.
BTW, love the program, love that it has forums, love what it does for blog
1st post, I hope I haven't broken any rules. Thanks in advance for any help
that can be offered.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Highlight-line%2C-works%2C-Highlight-Paragraph--tp146…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am using comments like
% Doing something...
% Doing another thing...
to structure the code inside my MATLAB files. For easier navigation I
would like to use these comments as folding markers and symbols (for
the "Go to symbol" command). I know that I have to play around with
the language grammar to do so, but alas my more than limited knowledge
of regular expressions has prevented me from succeeding. Maybe one of
the language grammar/regex experts here has a quick tip for me?
I have two bundles 'R' and 'R daemon'. R has the scope 'source.r' and
R daemon has the scope 'source.rd-console'.
In both bundles I have a macro which is bound to the key '(' which
actually do the same but using different ways. Fine.
If I am inside the R scope 'source.r' the correct macro is called
after pressing '('.
BUT if I am inside R daemon scope 'source.rd-console' the wrong macro
is called – meaning the macro of scope 'source.r' will be executed!
If I set the scope selector of the macro inside of the 'R' bundle to:
source.r -source.rd-console
then it works.
Well, to be honest, I don't see the point here why I have to exclude
a scope explicitly. Or is this a naming-of-scopes issue?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Haris,
when I use the Show Label as Tool Tip command
on a non-existing label (say, on \eqref{ZZZ} when
no \label{ZZZ} exists), instead of the expected
Not Found message I get inserted into the file
undefined method `context' for nil:NilClass
so I guess you might add a check on the nillness
of context in your script.
If you find the time to work on it, maybe you
might also consider this small request (I see
that some infrastructure is already in place
in LaTeXUtils): a similar command to work
on citations, i.e. when invoked on a \cite,
the tooltip shows the corresponding bibitem,
possibly finding it into the .bbl file. I guess
the two things (for labels and citations)
could happily coexist in the same script.
Thank you for your work,
I'm trying to define a "smart" snippet for LaTeX sub/superscript.
What I would like to achieve is a snippet
(1) triggered by _ (or ^ for superscripts)
(2) curly braces are inserted only when there are least two
characters after _
Thus, if I type
_a, then I get _a
if I type
_ab then I get _{ab}
My current attempt is as follows:
However, the above has a major shortcoming:
When I type _ as the second character after the first _, then the
caret is in the wrong place. Thus,
and the caret is between a and _ instead of being after the second _
Any suggestions?
Dr Guido Governatori
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia
Phone: +61-(0)7-336 52907
Fax: +61-(0)7-336 54999
Hi all,
I've noticed that my subversion keywords don't get expanded/updated
when I commit from TextMate (they do when I commit from the command
line). Is there a workaround? (Sorry if I've missed something
obvious -- I did google.)
I've been a Textmate user for years now but moved to Aptana for a while but
now I'm back! :) Simply love Textmate.
A feature I used constantly in Aptana however, I cannot seem to find or
figure out a similar solution to in Textmate.
I'd like to be able to put my cursor on a word (in a JS file let's say) and
have that word highlighted _everywhere_ else in the document making it very
easy to find / see where it is. Aptana also put a little yellow marker in
one of it's gutters to show where the instances are vertically in the file
too. Makes it _very_ quick to find things. Is this possible?
Thank you very much!
.: Jamal :.
When I attempt to find within a project, grep searches within
build directories even though they are excluded from the project
in TextMate. Is there a way of restricting grep to the directories
that you have included within your project?