This is a little experiment I've been working on for a while to
increase TextMate's interoperability with XCode and give it the
features of a robust IDE, like XCode, without sacrificing the elegance.
In short, the result is code complete, visual code-hierarchy, etc. for
languages like ruby, python, objective-c, javascript, etc.
It's in an alpha stage, but is quite usable and been shown to enhance
productivity. If you'd like to grab a pre-release build before it
gets rolled into the TextMate subversion repository, you can grab it
Use the XCodeMate mailing list for feedback / support, as listed on
the website.
I found a "simple" way to display any dialogs based on nibs as sheets.
The only preconditions are that the nib is NSPanel-based and all
buttons are bound to performClickButton.
This also works with "created windows" which will be updated. See tiny
screencast: (1M)
TOKEN=$("$DIALOG" window create ~/Desktop/progress -ep
while [ $C -lt 100 ]
M="$C% ready on window token $TOKEN"
TXT=$(echo -en "$M\n$TXT")
echo "{value='$C';message='$M';text='$TXT';}" | "$DIALOG" window
update $TOKEN
C=$(($C + 2))
"$DIALOG" window close $TOKEN
Any comments?
I would find it incredibly useful if I could do a Find/Replace such
that I could reliably rename symbols like variables and function
names. I envision that this would be based on scopes and that it would
constrain Find/Replace to exact matches of entire scopes. In Erlang
this would enable me to rename variables by doing a Find/Replace of
exact scope match for variable.other.erlang.
I'm just writing the extension for DIALOG2 to show up a user-defined
open/save panel optionally with an accessory view.
I can call it like:
"$DIALOG" panel open -p '{message="Input"; button1 = Load;
allowMultipleSelection = 1; startDir = "/usr/bin/"; string=ANNA;
switch=1;}' ~/Desktop/acc.nib
whereby 'string' and 'switch' are set in the accessory view
(TextIInputField and a Checkbox) specified in acc.nib. It works fine.
Now I tried to show these panels as sheets bound to the current
window. This also works fine ;)
BUT: I do not know how to write the 'resultDict' plist back to TM if
I'm using sheets :{
(NSLog() shows the correct plist)
If I show up the panels as windows I'm using:
[TMDCommand writePropertyList:resultDict toFileHandle:[proxy
called within '(void)handleCommand:(CLIProxy*)proxy'
Fine. But if I'm using sheets then I have to call:
[openPanel beginSheetForDirectory: startDir
file: [parameters objectForKey:@"file"]
types: fileTypes
modalForWindow: documentWindow
modalDelegate: self
contextInfo: nil];
within '(void)handleCommand:(CLIProxy*)proxy' and this means I have to
leave the method '(void)handleCommand:(CLIProxy*)proxy'
My method to handle the sheet after closing is
- (void)openPanelDidEnd:(NSOpenPanel*)openPanel returnCode:
(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void*)contextInfo
and I didn't find a way to get access to TMDCommand's [proxy
outputHandle]. I tried to copy the handle, to set proxy as class
variable, etc. I directly wrote to stdout but it's redirected.
Is there anyone who can give me an hint? (If it would be better to
post the preliminary code for, please let it me know)
After about two years of beauty sleep, TabMate is back with an updated
TabMate is a plugin that makes it possible to have per-file indenting
settings, so you don't have to manually change these when you switch
between files with different code styles.
New in 1.2:
* Make TabMate work better with scripts that have a shebang line, as
well as PHP scripts and other files that do not necessarily have the
modeline as the first line
* Other minor tweaks to make TabMate more compatible with different
modelines out there
* Added lots of unit tests to the Xcode project, to make it easier to
do changes to the plugin, without breaking anything
* Thanks to Andrian Budantsov and Torsten Walter for patches!
For anyone interested in helping out: TabMate now has a trac with
subversion access at
Support for vi/vim modelines is one example of a much-requested
feature that is probably fun to hack together!
Thanks a lot
-- HÃ¥kan
I am on TM 1455 Cutting Edge and I have just updated the LaTeX Bundle.
The Citation (Ref-TeX style) Command is now failing. It launches the
cite menu but does not bring up the entries of my bib file (specified
with TM_LATEX_BIB). Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
All the best, Mark
ok scope isnt quite the right word...
lets says i have
<img src="something" width="10" height="15>
and i have the caret somewhere around src
is there a way to move to either right before or after the closing >
or when you get auto "" and it drops the caret in the middle,
is there a way to jump to right outside the quote?
been googling and digging through the power editing book but i'm not
finding anything...