
  • 10171 discussions

Objective-C completion vs Bracket Matching
by Gerd Knops
16 years, 9 months

Documentation of osx/plist.bundle -- and in general
by Daniel Sadilek
16 years, 9 months

Semi-OT Screencast FAQ?
by Steven Harms
16 years, 9 months

Delete references as default?
by shin kurokawa
16 years, 9 months

Leopard Tiger evil pitfall: escaping a backslash in bash
by Hans-Joerg Bibiko
16 years, 9 months

problem with "Edit in Textmate" bundle
by William Scott
16 years, 9 months

Configuring syntax highlighting programmatically
by Daniel Sadilek
16 years, 9 months

HTML - Completion problem using ESC (TM's internal text completion)
by Hans-Joerg Bibiko
16 years, 9 months

PHP and debugging, what is your strategy?
by Clark Endrizzi
16 years, 9 months

'bug' in php bundle: indentation of elseif on same line as closing brace is wrong
by Till Backhaus
16 years, 9 months
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