there is a very tiny and marginal issue about rendering in the content
of the tooltip under Leopard.
If I have a string "simplified" (length 10) it will be displayed as
"simplified" (length 9) caused by the used fi ligature. This leads to
a small problem if one wants to output a pretty looking table for
instance. Under Tiger is that not the case.
Is this behaviour switchable?
I'm just beginning to like Python ;)
Caused by that issue here are some tiny suggestions:
Walter Dörwald had the idea to provide exit codes similar to Ruby's
This could be integrate in tm_helpers.py à la:
def exit_discard():
def exit_replace_text(out = ''):
if out: print out
def exit_replace_document(out = ''):
if out: print out
def exit_insert_text(out = ''):
if out: print out
def exit_insert_snippet(out = ''):
if out: print out
def exit_show_html(out = ''):
if out: print out
def exit_show_tool_tip(out = ''):
if out: print out
def exit_create_new_document(out = ''):
if out: print out
Furthermore tm_helpers' sh(cmd) is not UTF-8 safe.
If I'm using e.g. popen("grep 'ä' 'test.txt'") or tm_helpers.sh("grep
'ä' 'test.txt'") I have problems with the codec.
I tried several things to encode/decode unicode but no success. Maybe
some of you can fix this.
I went the way to use popen2. Then I didn't have such problems (?)
The next issue is regarding dialog.py. Maybe one could the function
'menu' looking for DIALOG2. If there's DIALOG2 it uses that syntax,
if not fall back to DIALOG1.
This could also be done for Ruby's ui.rb.
I moved the mailing list to a new server. I couldn’t migrate
individual user settings (other than digest/non-digest) so if you had
disabled mail delivery or similar, you’ll have to do that again and if
you had a list password, then that is now reset.
We may also have lost around 40 subscribers, at least if the number of
subscribers in Mailman’s web UI is correct.
Also, messages to the list sent in the last 8 hours or so have bounced
with “relay access denied”.
But other than that, everything went smooth :)
My TextMate today started acting funny. When some
text is represented as italic (e.g., in LaTeX, inside an
the text looks corrupted: some of the caracters are
replaced by other characters. If I switch back to
non-italic e.g. by changing bundle, everything looks ok.
Two funny thngs:
1) not all characters are changed. This
appears perfect. On the other hand, if I write
some of the E's are replaced by an upperscore:
the 4th, the 8th, 12th AND 13th, etc.periodically
2) if I shift the thing, the position of the corrupted
characters remain fixed:i.e., if I write
(three spaces at the beginning) now the 1st,
5th, etc are changed into an upperscore.
Any ideas before I download a fresh copy and reinstall?
is there/could there be a way to cache the undo-history in TM or
future TM2 even after closing the programm?
Users of laptop computers who prefer the sleep mode instead of shuting
down the computer will have the advantage to find their desktops/
workspaces just as they have left them, including undo histrories.
They will have the disadvantage that sleepmode will suck empty their
batteries, especially when you have a lot of RAM installed. Also this
is over the time lowering the life expectancy of your accu set.
Sometimes I only use sleep mode because I dont want to loose the
changes that I have made in TM (code debugging most of the time)...
If Historie would be cached, I then have one reason less to worry
about shutting down completely or not.
Id be happy if more programs could support such a behaviour, it is
convenient and will save at least some resources and energy.
Thanks & sincere
> Now what context this bit of grammar is really for I don't know.
> From what I can see the other examples I gave don't use above.
> Perhaps the original author of this grammar can shed light on this
> and make the proper changes.
I guess I am the original author, though I haven't worked on it for a
while (not since my kids were born!). The svn blame for this piece of
the grammar goes to gerti, duff and msheets.
Let me say that if we as a Textmate community really want to have
distributed editing of these grammars, then we should develop a set of
test cases to check if our grammar edits break anything. Maybe one or
two documents with a .png of the correct highlighting using a default
color scheme.
best wishes, Eric
Eric Hsu, Associate Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
I'm recently playing a lot with great Ruby web framework called
Ramaze. By default when running my project, Ramaze highlights
different event types in the console with different colors. So errors
are red, warnings yellow, notices green and so on. This works great
when I run my program from the Terminal, but when I run it within
TextMate with ⌘R and its output window unfortunately I get no colors.
I don't know if it is fault of Ruby bundle or TM internals, but I'd
love to see the colors there too, as they help reading logs a lot.
Best regards,
Adam Strzelecki |: nanoant.com :|
Anyone feel up to getting this working in textmate
would be VERY handy
Saul Rosenbaum
Visual Chutzpah
Strengthening Brands Through Illustrated Images And Interactive Design
web: http://www.visualchutzpah.com
email: saul(a)visualchutzpah.com
phone: 215-702-1147
fax: 866-475-1913
This is just a generic question on how you use Terminal and TextMate
in developing with Rails. I benefit from the bundles like Ruby, Rails
RubyAMP and RSpec. My problem is that I would like to have a few
Terminal tabs open for one application. I need one tab for running
commands like script/generate or rake tasks. (I know I can use Control-
Shift-\ for some tasks, but it feels a bit slow to me.) Another tab is
for the server log genarated after `script/server`. And optionally I
have a tab open for script/console.
If I use Control-Shift-O, the Terminal window opens and `cd` to the
current directory. RubyAMP bundle has Control-Command-P for a similar
feature. But if I use the same command more than once, a new Terminal
window shows up. I would like to have a new tab instead.
What I do currently is that: 1) Open the TextMate project file, 2) I
use Control-Shift-O to open the Terminal window and find myself in the
project directory, 3) run the AppleScript I made to duplicate a tab.
My AppleScript is written at <http://samuraicoder.net/applescript_duplicating_tabs_terminal
>. This is just a shitty script, simply emulates what I do on
keyboards. Is there anybody who can know a much better way? Or would
you suggest any better workflow?
Takaaki Kato
I suggest to add German quotation marks to the Latex Bundle:
This can be archieved by adding
Latex.tmbundle/Preferences/Miscellaneous.plist and
Latex.tmbundle/Preferences/Smart\ Typing\ \(Strings\).tmPreferences
under the "highlightPairs" and "smartTypingPairs" sections in each
Please note that I have limited knowledge on how those bundles work.
Applying the changes above worked for me.
Kind regards