I'm looking for advice on the best way to create a new bundle -- to support a
play by mail game. There are a number of similar games like this, like
Starweb (Flying Buffalo) and RSWGame. They send out reports on the worlds
and fleets you own. Players decide want to do, and send in their orders.
Repeat until someone wins.
I already have a bunch of tools to help me manage my resources, but I was
wondering if I could tie them into a bundle to make the the process even
So far, I've been thinking of treating the text file I'm editing as a kind
of database. It lists all of my resources. As I issue orders, the changes
could be reflected in the text. Any really sane implementation would use an
outside database, but I like the idea/challenge of trying to maintain
everything with the single text file. Unless you tell me it's really super
A report for a world looks something like this:
World 5 [TERRAN] (Metal=5, Mines=5, Population=10)
Fleet 3 [TERRAN]=10 (Moved)
Fleet 17 [TERRAN]=0 (Captured)
Here I'm the player TERRAN, and I own World 5 and Fleets 3 and 17. But
Fleet 17 has no ships, so I would transfer a ship from Fleet 3. Something
Fleet 3 transfer 1 Fleet 17
Some keystroke later, this order would be applied to the text, and the
report would look like:
World 5 [TERRAN] (Metal=5, Mines=5, Population=10)
Fleet 3 [TERRAN]=9 (Moved)
Fleet 17 [TERRAN]=1 (Captured)
++ Fleet 3 transfer 1 Fleet 17
The order would stay in the file (for later submission to the game), but be
marked as completed.
Each time orders are applied, I'd have to parse the whole file, apply new
orders, and change numbers and text here and there to reflect the new
reality. The files are relatively short (maybe 5 pages max), so I doubt
performace would be a problem.
Am I overloading the concept of text editing too much? Too much to do? Or
just abusing the tool a bit? Thanks for your ideas!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Can-I-treat-my-text-document-as-a-database---sanely--…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello i wonder what is the easiest way to add some custom syntax
highlighting elements to the php language, the language syntax
part in the manual is quite complex. =/
IE: I want to highlight in red the custom functions:
myfunc1 , myfunc2, myfunc3.
Where do i put the patterns without interfering with
the php bundle?, thanks in advance
As anyone who has ever done programming knows, it doesn't take long for the best laid plans to mess up elegant formatting. I've been unable to find a command that reformats messy C code back to a standard GNU format (or any other for that matter). Have I missed something, or does this command not exist for programming languages?
Dr. Marc R. Feldesman
Professor & Chairman Emeritus
Anthropology Department
Portland State University
please reply to: feldesmanm(a)pdx.edu
my PERS blog: http://persinfo.blogspot.com
SKYPE: mrfearless47
With OS X 10.5.5, I try to use "Edit In Textmate" but without success.
( I try this :--> http://blog.macromates.com/2007/inputmanagers-on-leopard/
Is it possible to install this function with OSX 10.5.5 ?
A lot of cocoa applications give the possibilty to use the Apple
Services like for example "TextEdit"
I would like to know why TM does not give the possibility of using the
Alain Matthes
Often I am typing for example instanse.method_a(:param => "value"_)
with _ I marked where the caret is placed.
So the question is: is there any way to move caret from the position on the example
to the position right after right parentheses without moving my fingers to cursor keys.
So I want to be able then type .method_b on the same line as fast as possible.
This case is also applicable for single and double quotes.
I looked in the forum archive but didn't see much discussion of the json
I installed it, using the GetBundle bundle, and it does not appear to "do"
anything (no menu items) .. even though there is a Language entry for json.
In particular, I'd like to "tidy" the json file I'm editing.
What's the secret? :)
-- Owen
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/JSON-bundle-tp20082961p20082961.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Sorry if this is a FAQ- I didnt' see it anywhere though. I am editing
over a SSHFS-WebDAV volume and I just noticed that TM is making lots
of ._* files on the remote volume. Can this be turned off I hope?
mbp:Forms >file ._*
._form-data-create.post.desc.xml: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file
._form-data-create.post.js: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file
._form-data-read.get.desc.xml: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file
._form-data-read.get.js: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file
._form-data-read.get.json.ftl: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file
._form-read.get.desc.xml: AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file
I'm having some trouble with the LaTeX bundle. I have the PATH
variable set in Textmate's shell variables preference pane (and it
includes the location of kpsewhich), but I still get the following
<begin error>
Can't find “kpsewhich” on PATH.
The current PATH is:
Please add the directory containing “kpsewhich” to PATH in TextMate's
Shell Variables preferences.
Alternatively, the PATH can be retrieved from Terminal but this
requires a relaunch:
<end error>
If I push the relaunch button, a new PATH variable is created
(although its value is the same as the PATH variable I made), and I
can compile. However, if I quit and relaunch TextMate, I'm told again
that I haven't set the PATH, despite the fact that there are now TWO
shell variables declaring the PATH. Have I done something crazy?
Oh, I have a full svn checkout of the current (10736) revision.
I have 1.5.7 (1464) running on MacOs 10.5.5. I've been trying to use
the Code Completion command in the CSS bundle.
First, With the default key equivalent activation (Option+Esc) nothing
happened, I then changed the activation keys to (Cmd+Esc) and I get
the following error when I run the command:
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/codecompletion.rb:318:in /bin/bash: -c:
line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of filemap' for
nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /Users/rvega/Library/Application
Support/TextMate/Support/lib/codecompletion.rb:87:in /bin/bash: -c:
line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of filenew'
from /Users/rvega/Library/Application
I also checked out the latest version of the css bundle and the TM
support folder fro svn but the error is the same.
I noticed that the html bundle uses the same completions ruby script
but the html code completion command works fine.
In case someone knows how the codecompletion script works, here are
the Code Completion commands in my css bundle:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/codecompletion"
preference = 'Completions'
choices = []
parsed_choices = TextmateCompletionsParser.new(nil, :scope => :css).to_ary
choices += parsed_choices if parsed_choices
choices += ['--']
plist_choices = TextmateCompletionsPlist.new(
choices += plist_choices if plist_choices
print TextmateCodeCompletion.new(choices,STDIN.read, :scope => :css).to_snippet
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/codecompletion"
TextmateCodeCompletion.plist('Property Completions')
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "#{ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH']}/lib/codecompletion"
preference = 'Property Value Completions'
choices = []
parsed_choices = TextmateCompletionsParser.new(nil, :scope =>
choices += parsed_choices if parsed_choices
choices += ['--']
plist_choices = TextmateCompletionsPlist.new(
choices += plist_choices if plist_choices
print TextmateCodeCompletion.new(choices,STDIN.read).to_snippet
Thanks for any help!
Hey everyone,
I noticed the php autocompletions script does not seem to be correctly
marking optional parameters with [] except for the last param. I searched
around and found the list of completions in the php bundle support but that
looks good to me, so I'm guessing it's the way the ruby script is breaking
them up. I can somewhat figure out what it's doing but I don't know any ruby
so I don't know how to fix it. If anyone could take a look and maybe fix
that small issue (or tell me its my fault and how to fix it), I'd be very
grateful. (I updated my tm support folder just in case it had been fixed but
it didnt seem to help)