on typping "section+tab" the right code appear:
then tab and when over sec: typing alt+scape show the list of suggestion
with the section to reference.
On including a bibtex reference using ^{ or navigating to the menu, no
suggestion window appear with the suggestion, only
Where xxxx is the last entry on my bibliography, then I go after the last x
(between x and }) and alt+scape, and nothing happen at all. It always
reflect he last on my Bib file (I try to change it and it is always the
NOTE: By the way the doc typeset properly and bibtex runs ok.
NOTE: I'm on the last version of Textmate and the latex Bundle.
Thanks in advance
NOTE: is there any log where I can look for the exection or something.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/no-suggestion-for-%5Ccite%7B%7D-tp19979530p19979530.h…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
To continue with the previous ( & unresolved) post; see: http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2008-May/025441.html
With this \newenvironment the scope never closes braces or the list
environment, and so the syntax color scheme is forever wrong in the
rest of the document:
%create new list environment (bullets - named buls)(fold)
\newcommand{\bu}{\ensuremath{\bullet}{ }}
%create new list environment (bullets - named buls)(end)
some text here ****the scope here is:
___when it should just be (and in fact is without
the previous \newenvironment definition):
It seems to be a bug in the Language definitions of these scopes (tex
and/or latex).
Can this be solved (and maybe the bundle updated with the correction)?
Can I make the cursor follow when I've done some scrolling via Page-Up/
I mean... let's say: I've scrolled down 3 pages via Page-Down and now
I want to go on editing right on this page.
To do so, I must click with the mouse somewhere on the document. But
is this possible by using the keyboard too? E.g., is there a Shortcut
that positions the cursor right in the middle of displayed page?
Thanks for hints...
How can I turn soft tabs on in certain projects, but not in others?
Selecting "Soft Tabs (Spaces)" from the menu at the bottom of the
screen appears to work on a system-wide, per language basis.
One project I'm working on uses soft tabs. The rest do not. I'm
unlikely to remember to manually keep changing this setting back and
I would prefer to set this only on a per project basis, but setting it
by language per project would work.
Thank you for taking the time for my question.
suppose the caret is somewhere inside a scope meta.myscope
delimited by two keywords beginmyscope and endmyscope.
I need to capture all the text in the region between
beginmyscope and endmyscope. I thought the Input
type "Selected Text or Scope" might do exactly this,
but I'm seeing something different: only the text from
the line where the caret is to endmyscope is captured.
Is this the intended behaviour, or I'm doing something
wrong? I think the scope is defined correctly since
ctr-shift-P shows that the entire region between
beginmyscope and endmyscope is correctly parsed
as meta.myscope. What's wrong?
I have no idea why TM refuses to open some perl scripts that are with
the executable bit set.
When under a project, if I click the file name, a new tab doesnt open.
If I ask mate to open the file from the terminal with the project
open, it doesn't open as well.
If I close everything and use mate to open the file, it opens correctly!
If I right-click on the file I do not have the option to set text/binary flag.
Can anybody please give me a hint to solve this isse?
Alberto Simões
The repository for bundles has been moved to a new URL: http://svn.textmate.org/
To update a checkout to the new location one has to do:
# assuming this is where your old chekout is
cd /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
svn switch --relocate \
http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/ \
If you have switched subsets of the checkout, for example because you
are testing WIP bundles, then you have to ‘svn switch --relocate’ your
switched bundles first.
If you run “svn status” in the root of your checkout, it will indicate
if bundles have been switched by the S marker.
To get the FROM URL of a switched bundle, cd to the folder containing
it and run:
svn info
This will show the URL (on the second line). Generating the TO from
that URL should be straightforward. So if for example we are using the
branched Subversion bundle, we need to:
cd Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle
svn switch --relocate \
I'm new to using both latex and TextMate and am trying to modify the
environmental variables that the pdftex engine sees when it is
typesetting my document.
So far I have tried modifying my ~/.profile and /etc/profile to
include modified $TEXINPUT, $BSTINPUT environmental variables without
any luck.
I have also tried adding these variables to the environmental
variables area of the general TextMate Preferences but no luck there
I have also tried to find out if I could possibly give the tex engine
the information via a command similar to the way the master files are
designated (i.e. %! variable = ....) but no luck there either.
Many thanks.
I'm running Leopard and use Spaces. I also use the 'mate' command a lot,
often from a different space than the one in which TextMate is running.
When I run "mate /filename/" (or "mate /directory/") from a different
space, the new TextMate window opens in the space TM is already in and
I'm switched to that space automatically. I don't mind that. But the new
window opens /underneath/ the existing TM windows. I often have a number
of windows open (a couple different projects, a web preview window,
etc.) so the new window ends up being completely covered.
Is there any way to change either TextMate's or Spaces' behavior so that
new windows get opened in front of the others?
Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461
www.arbornetworks.com <http://www.arbornetworks.com/>
I know about the "~" option in the Cocoa open file dialog too ;-)
PS the current C-s incremental search widget could perhaps even be
re-used for C-x C-f ?