any ideas why the standard indexing command doesn't work in the two
situations described below?
(i) given the following text which is to be inserted into the index:
``functional-typological'' approach
upon marking the phrase and issuing shift-control-i the following
erroneous output produced:
functional-typological'' approach\index{functional-typological''
this is the command behind the scenes:
command = "echo -n \"\\\\index{s\\$0}{$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}
input = none;
output = insertAsSnippet;
behind which we have:
what's the reason for "``" to be eaten by the command?
(ii) given the following text:
Proto-Indo-European (PIE) to
"Proto-Indo-European (PIE)" is to be inserted, hence this but not "to"
gets marked, then shift-control-i. the result is:
Proto-Indo-European (PIE) to\index{Proto-Indo-European (PIE) to}
that is, wrong position of the index-tag and an erroneously in the tag
included "to".
I've followed the steps Allan recommends in his 2006/textmate-tricks blog entry:
>>>install the Edit in TextMate input manager, which is done by clicking the gear menu in the status bar (inside TextMate), navigating to the TextMate submenu and selecting Install "Edit in TextMate"
I relaunched all apps and my computer and confirmed that an "Edit in TextMate" alias is now in my ~/Library/InputManagers directory. But I seel no new edit item in my Mail.app pulldowns, and Ctrl-Cmd-E does nothing :(
I'm running TextMate 1.5.7, Mail.app 3.5 on OS 10.5.6. Does this trick not work in Panther, and/or are there any workarounds?
I am a website developer using php for my projects, along with the
CodeIgnitor php framework.
This works great, especially along with Transmit for ftp connectivity,
There is one missing link I'm looking for. It would be super great if
there was a way to browse a
project's classes. I know of the CodeBrowser plugin, but that is for
the file you are editing.
The function / code block selecter in TM's status bar is also very
good but again only for 1 file.
Does anybody know of an application that does a good view of classes /
methods / variables
in a multi-file php project? I like TM so much because of its speed
and "Mac feel".. I don't want
to switch to a big, clunky, slow IDE! So I'm looking for the "Mac
like" way in the middle.
Well, if anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated.
A very happy holiday wish to everyone in the TM and Mac community!
Michael, Haarlem, The Netherlands
I recently did a fresh install of Mac OS X 10.5.6, downloaded TextMate
1.5.7 (r1436) from macromates.com and activated it with my serial
number. It's odd, but there are some things that doesn't work.
1. It can't create new files from templates. Nothing simply happens
when I try.
2. When I have open a folder I can't create new files in that folder
from TextMate, I can however create new subfolders.
Console shows no output. I have tried the standard troubleshooting
including reinstalling the application bundle, removing the preference
file and zapping the PRAM. It didn't help.
Does anyone have an idea of what this could be?
I would like to add a couple of things (at least), but I'm afraid I need some
I need a disassembler command, it's just
import dis
or dis.dis(function) or dis.dis(object)
Maybe I need a menu to let it know what I want to disassemble..
I tried something like this:
cd $TM_CURRENT_DIR && python -c "import dis; import os;
os.chdir(os.environ['TM_CURRENT_DIR']); print "Now in", os.getcwd(); import
$MOD_NAME; dis.dis($MOD_NAME)"; cd -
But it doesn't change dir at all, what am I missing?
Another nice command would be
execute line/selection as python, should I use eval?
I found that tm_helpers give me some nice functions, other sources of
Last command is pylint "integration", this is alreadly not too bad
pylint $TM_FILEPATH 2>/dev/null | tail -n 2
It just gives me the score of my source code, but a better rappresentation
in html format could be better...
Thanks a lot
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Adding-python-commands-tp21201499p21201499.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I discovered the blogging bundle and I think is great, so I created a blog
for the first time in my life.
Well if I can't write with textmate it means that I can't write in a certain
way :D
Now the problem is that if I paste code I need to use the <pre> (or the
equivalent in markup or textile) tag which keeps the indentation but hides
part of the code if I enlarge the font on my browser.
I could also limit the lenght of the strings but it does not solve
completely the problem...
It would be also nice some sintax highlighting and better formatting, any
So how could I do?? Is it also possible to attach automatically binary and
text files directly from textmate or not? (didn't see that function).
Thanks a lot
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Blogging-and-code-tp20838410p20838410.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm getting this error in Console
28/12/2008 01:42:52 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:52 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule named source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:52 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:53 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule named source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:53 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:53 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule named source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:53 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule source.ruby
28/12/2008 01:42:53 TextMate[3577] didn't find rule named source.ruby
this messages appear in the list every time I press any button inside
the editor. So, looks like one of the bundles which has scope selector
'source.ruby' activated after pressing on keyboard. But how to find
which of them and to fix it?
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Best regards, Vladimir Prudnikov.
Blog: http://prudnikov.com/
E-Mail: prudnikov(a)tobeedo.com
I looked somewhere on the internet to find out why I get this problem and it
looks like is a problem of python versions, but I didn't find a way to fix
Here it is the error, maybe someone else got the same problem here...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in File
"/Users/andrea/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine
Copy/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Support/DocMate/docmate.py", line 7, in import
urllib2 File
line 91, in import hashlib File
line 133, in md5 = __get_builtin_constructor('md5') File
line 60, in __get_builtin_constructor import _md5 ImportError: No module
named _md5
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Problems-with-python-bundle-tp20577401p20577401.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am working on a latex document and using the newcommand
"\newcommand{\comisc}[1]{\lstinline[style=comisc]|#1|}". When I write
something like "\comisc{$MATH_SCALE_FACTOR}". Textmate now colours the
rest of text in the colour of an equation (here green). I think this
happens because of that dollar sign for inline formulas and TM thinks
that is not closed.
Is there way to avoid this behaviour?
I'm trying to run a ruby script and get this error:
/Users/sam/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby.tmbundle/
Support/RubyMate/run_script.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load
-- /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/tm/
executor (LoadError) from /Users/sam/Library/Application Support/
any idea what might have gone wrong here, I've run scripts plenty of
times in the past no problem