Hello All,
I believe I have found a bug in the syntax highlighting for shell
scripts. When I have a comment in a case statement and the comment
does not get highlighted correctly. Here is the text for my case
#first figure out what platform you are in, based on the uname -rs
#linux returns "Linux kernelversionnumber"
Linux* )
#freeBSD returns "freeBSD releaseversion"
*BSD* )
#osX returns "Darwin kernelversionnumber"
Darwin* )
#everything else
* )
also here is a link to a picture of what I am seeing on my screen: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3575/3410707546_d7a2a67e49_o.png
Im not sure if this is even helpful but pastebins highlighting seems
to do the same as textmate but quickhighlighter.com seems to get it
correctly(what I assume is correct).
Thanks for your help.
When I edit a Template it stops working even when I edit just one tiny letter
in an out-commented text.
I do the following:
in the 'bundle editor' I expand the 'Project' Template and then I select the
'Project.as'. Here I placed the opening curly braces to be at the same line
as the function (and not at the next line).
public function ${TM_NEW_FILE_BASENAME}() {
When I close the window and try to make a new project from template nothing
Even when I revert my changes it won't work anymore, I have to reinstall the
whole bundle!
As said I also tried just to change a tiny letter in outcommented section of
_create_as3_project.sh with the same result.
What is the proper way of editing a Template?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-edit-Actionscript3-Templates--tp22677253p22677…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I use the Makefile bundle on my desktop and never had any issues so I when I
put it on my laptop I was a little puzzled when running Build produced this
env: ruby\r\rrequire: No such file or directory
Ruby is most definitely in TM's path, and checking the path from within TM
on both machines shows that they are exactly the same. Both machines are
running Leopard with the same version of ruby, same gems, and same version
of TM installed.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Hello, I just started using command-R to refresh in running browsers.
I find it only refreshes the front most browser window. Is this normal?
I seem to be fighting this behavior, though command-R is so handy I
want to use it. Perhaps it could be modified to work better.
If I have a few windows, and a few tabs, move to TM, command-R, it
will switch to Safari in this case, and refresh whatever is the front
most window and tab within that window. I now have to remember to
bring the window forward that has the result of the code I am working
on to the foreground.
I think for me, a better behavior would be for command-R to spawn a
new browser window, with the code ran in that window. I can then
close the window, and be back in TM. This way, my window is always
going to be the one used.
Has anyone else found this mildly annoying and looked for a solution?
I can always go back to the command-tab to the window I want method,
and press reload in the browser.
I have tried the command-shift-R method, but I have a feeling that
since I am working on remote files through a ftp/ssh app, it is not
going to work. It also does not interpret html, and shows me the raw
html code, so that method seems more designed for cli type scripts, or
code that does not end up outputting to a browser.
Thanks for any workflow suggestions
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
Hello, I found a .tmMacro file someone put up, it will allow me to
remove trailing spaces and tabs on save. Works nice, for one flaw.
If I have any text selected, that selected text is replaces with what
seems to be the contents of the entire file.
I can not figure out how to even edit the .tmMacto once installed. I
can put the cursor in the bundle editor area, but it will not allow
any chances.
I can not open the .tmMacro file in TM, so I could use the shell, but
that seems strange, and it is a plist, and not entirely sure what to
The Macro has two commands
beforeRunningCommand = nop;
command = "perl -pe 's/[\\t ]+$//g'";
input = document;
output = replaceSelectedText;
beforeRunningCommand = saveActiveFile;
input = none;
output = discard;
* I can sort of hack this out on my own by making a empty command,
then recording a macro to and hooking those two together. The above
seems cleaner though.
Any ideas what I should edit? The perl seems fine, a direct copy from
the TM built in to remove spaces and tabs, maybe the output =
replaceSelectedText; needs changing?
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
Hi all,
I am new to textmate and Java/Python programming. When I run my code
with the textmate run command, there seems to be a problem with the
order of output in html. This problem seems not to be bundle specific
(both Java and Python bundle show the same problem) so I guess it is
in the underlying executor script.
The bundles and support dir are fresh SVN checkouts.
Example code: guess.py
import random
secret = random.randint(1, 99)
guess = 0
i = 0
while guess != secret:
guess = input("Make a guess (0 to quit): ")
if guess == 0:
print "Program quit"
elif guess > secret:
print "to big"
elif guess < secret:
print "to small"
i = i + 1
print "Congratulations, you guessed right after",i ,"tries."
Example output: order is: prompt -> program output -> input
Make a guess (0 to quit): to small
Make a guess (0 to quit): to small
Make a guess (0 to quit): to small
Make a guess (0 to quit): to small
Make a guess (0 to quit):
Output order should be: prompt -> input -> program output
I'd like to use textmate in my cs cources starting soon and it would
be great if the html output had the right order, so I can hand it out
to the teacher as a proof for my working code. At the moment this
would be rather confusing and lead to some discussions I guess.
This really just happened to me. Really. I know I produced some April Fools
jokes yesterday, but that was yesterday. This is real.
I created this Ruby script in TextMate:
s = "wackamole"
puts s
I ran it, and the RubyMate output window displayed:
Weird, eh? And it is part of a longer story; the string "wag wag" was being
displayed as "w w", and the string "ruff ruff" was being displayed as empty.
(Never mind why I was testing those strings.)
I quit TextMate, restarted my computer, and everything is back to normal.
But would anyone like to suggest a cause for what happened? Cosmic rays?
Belated April Fools day easter-egg-type joke?? The conficker virus??? Has
anyone else ever seen anything like this? m.
PS The problem was presumably with TextMate, not with ruby, because using
the Terminal to run the same script (as a saved text file) using the "ruby"
command worked just fine.
matt neuburg, phd = matt(a)tidbits.com, <http://www.tidbits.com/matt/>
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
AppleScript: the Definitive Guide - Second Edition!
Hello, I find that TM has too many keyboard shortcuts for my brain to
be able to retain and be useful to me. I have developed a habit that
I use in all apps, which is to use apple help, command-Shift-? will
bring up the help menu in the app. I can type a few words, and it
will show me the menu item I need. Return and it is executed. Or I
can traverse the real menu structure.
I use this in all apps, it is handy to me.
TM apparently crashes a lot when I do this.
I am now looking to use the "Select Bundle Item", but it is too
aggressive about what it finds. Enter in the single letter "E" and it
finds all bundle items that contain a singe E. I am looking to limit
it to contains characters of at least three characters for a match.
In the help search method, if I type "br" it brings up 6 items to pick
from. In the "Select Bundle Item" it beings up about 25 or so.
Any suggestions? Over time, I am sure this is going to force me to
learn more of these, but the apple help method was gread for those one
time uses where you will not use the command again for a long time.
It also goes beyond the bundle items, and I could toggle freehand edit
mode, for example, something I rarely do, and just do not want to
bother committing to memory.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
I'm working on a "matlab console" bundle, Ã la "R console bundle". The
goal is to emulate a matlab console in a textmate window, which is
much more practical than the terminal to edit long commands. This is
so far working quite well, running matlab in the background and
sending/receiving messages via text files.
However, when I have a matlab script opened in a textmate window, I
want to be able to execute it in the textmate window where the matlab
console lies. I thought of doing that with applescript, but the
dictionary of textmate seems pretty poor, there is no way of handling
tabs for example.
So what I want to be able to do is a run a command from a window that
write its results in a different textmate window or tab (which has a
specific name, something like "Console.Mcon"). Is this possible ? and
how ?