
  • 10171 discussions

Re: An old error is back: failed to establish connection with TextMate
by Brian Staszewski
15 years, 9 months

set the open file dialogs current working dir to that of the current file
by Adi Sieker
15 years, 9 months

Properly escaping characters in ruby script
by Ian Duncan
15 years, 9 months

Unknown items in the languages list
by Ca1icoJack
15 years, 9 months

Is there a limited heap or stack for running ruby in textmate?
by rburrowes
15 years, 9 months

Font is blurry on dark background.
by don Jao
15 years, 9 months

Macro: execute cmd A after end of cmd B
by Mathieu Godart
15 years, 9 months

Command to align comments
by Michael Tyson
15 years, 9 months

Always highlight brackets/parentheses of the code block where caret is (possible request)
by don Jao
15 years, 9 months

LaTeX with TextMate and View in Acrobat Reader
by Gewitterbukk
15 years, 9 months
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