hi all - I noticed that the functionality of the gutter isn't what I expected - namely that when I scroll sideways (to the right) in a document I lose the gutter - i.e. it scrolls across to the left with the rest of the text in the doc window...
not SOP in most text editors!
anyway - is there a way to restore/enable this functionality? it's pretty basic stuff!
I pressed control alt shift B and then clicked on one of the popup items:
Blog Markdown
Blog Text
Blog Textile
LaTeX Beamer
Now all of my syntax highlighting is gone.
I was edting javascript. How do I get textmate back to normal?
And more generally, how do I figure out what that keyboard shortcut did
without asking the mailing list? (I searched for a long time to no avail).
hi there - I know that there's a way to use different code coloring for different parts of a document according to the scope of the section - for example when I have Javascript code in a <script> tag or CSS in an HTML doc etc etc.
I read through the Textmate Help and found that it is possible but admit to being rather confused by how it works.
is there a tutorial of any kind?
or an example theme I could look at that would illustrate the process?
I've realized I waste many precious milliseconds lifting my fingers up from
their homes over to the arrow keys. Is there a key combination which will
move the cursor left and right for me? How would I go about setting one up?
Cheers everyone!
I do not now if regular expressions are involved in the way TextMate detects URLs in text, but I'd gather they do. In that case, John Gruber has just compiled a regexp that seems to make an even better job at finding URLs embedded in plain text (even surrounded by parenthesis, or LaTeX code). First link contains the description, second link contains a text case page:
The only problem I find with it is that the references to LaTeX parts, sections, chapters, etc., built from the LaTeX templates would be matched as well. So, using as inspiration the last expression he offers (only for http/https links), I have generalised it to include also ftp, sftp, smb, afp, and telnet:
( # Capture 1: entire matched URL
https?:// # http or https protocol
| # or
s?ftps?:// # sftp or ftp or ftps protocol
| # or
smb:// # smb protocol
| # or
afp:// # Apple file sharing protocol
| # or
telnet:// # telnet protocol
| # or
www\d{0,3}[.] # "www.", "www1.", "www2." … "www999."
| # or
[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/ # looks like domain name followed by a slash
(?: # One or more:
[^\s()<>]+ # Run of non-space, non-()<>
| # or
\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\) # balanced parens, up to 2 levels
(?: # End with:
\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\) # balanced parens, up to 2 levels
| # or
[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’] # not a space or one of these punct chars
Can this be built into TextMate, or where should I change if I wanted it just for personal use?
Juande Santander Vela
Applied Scientist, Archive Management Group
Archive Department, Data Management & Operations Division
European Southern Observatory (Germany)
Felix Klein: Todo el mundo sabe lo que es una curva, hasta que estudia suficientes matemáticas como para confundirse con la innumerable cantidad de excepciones posibles.
Hello all,
I get this error when I select php code and type apple(command) + ' / '
interpreter failed: No such file or directory
Any suggestions as to why? I tried doing a google search for similar issues.
this post came up:
but my ruby bundle commands are working. just not my php commands.
I'm trying to write a snippet that will create a footnote in a TM file
(using markdown syntax), and I'm having some difficulties:
Footnote syntax works as follows:
Here's a string of text [^footnote_identifier] which continues here.
then, at the beginning of a new line:
[^footnote_identifier]: text of the footnote itself
So, what the snippet needs to do (theoretically) when snippet is
triggered: generate a (not too long, 5 digit alphanumeric should be
fine for a single document) unique id, and insert the full
[^footnote_identifier] string, then jump to the end of the document,
insert [^footnote_identifier]: and a space, allow typing of the
footnote text, then return to the original insertion point when tab is
pressed again.
I have no idea whether any of this is possible using snippet syntax,
so any pointers would be appreciated.
Hi There, I wanna know if anyone knows of any bundle or command to fold the phpdocs comment styles
cuz when I have the following:
* #code
dont appear on the the left the controls, and when I have this:
they appear, but I don't wanna put like this to have the fold.
Hi everyone,
The shortcuts for adding an existing file or folder in
textmate. Shift+command+A don't seem to work.
I don't understand why? is there a particular mode I
must be in, in order for it to work.
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/shortcut-not-working-tp29232794p29232794.html
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