Is there any easy way to sync bundles/settings (like keyboard shortcuts for
commands) across computers with Dropbox?
If not, this would be a great feature to add.
So, just finished the first draft of my novel. TextMate was the editor
of choice this time, and things went wonderfully. I liked the
find/replace in project, which allowed me to use variables until I
could think of the name for something. :-) (I used a Ruby gem I
modified to convert Markdown to LaTeX and then compiled into PDF. Also
can independently convert the Markdown to epub. :-) I love geekness.
You may not remember that a while back I needed some rather odd text
competions (" => ``TM_SELECTED_TEXT$0"). The only problem is now it
appears everywhere! That is, when I use TM to edit anything, the
single double quote expands out. I don't need it except for Markdown
(.md) files.
Anybody know how? Or, at least point me in the right direction?
Ben Wilson
"We cannot determine the character or nature of a system within
itself. Efforts to do so will only generate confusion and disorder."
Along with my recent experience with the "jumping gutter", I now am getting the left side of my document getting cut off from time to time.
Manual resizing takes care of it, but its not clear why this is cropping up all of a sudden. I did not notice any of these UI issues before the last update. Was a bug introduced?
I am working on the language grammar of my bundle and I am running into
problems for the following case:
I want to be able to assign a style to the over and underlines and another
style to the Heading part.
- "Heading" can be any character (but is always on one line).
- The over line is not required and is usually used to indicate the highest
level of a heading (but it can be left out completely).
Characters for the over/under lines can be any non alphabet letter but
usually one of the following is used:
The goal is to at least be able to style the "Heading" text and to include
the "Heading" in the symbol list.
Also this is used at the top scope definition level so that I can chop up
the text into heading sections and text body sections.
I would therefore include repository rules for heading sections and other
repository rules for the text body sections.
Because TextMate can't handle multiline regexes I found this problem to be
unusually hard.
I am also unclear on questions of order within the top level scope
If two grammar patterns apply to one text section equally which one is used?
e.g. if I have a patterns array in the top level:
patterns = (
rule1 = { name = 'scope1', match = ... };
rule2 = { name = 'scope2', match = ... };
and both apply equally to some text is rule1 used and then overwritten by
rule2 so that the text is under scope 'scope2' ?
The help seems to discuss ambiguities like this for theme scope selectors
but not for language grammars.
I am also unclear how you can make a regex backreference from an end pattern
to a capture group in begin pattern or vice versa. (below I assume it is
backslash-1 but I'm not sure).
Also is it possible to define rules for one scope, rules for another and
then say everything else is some third scope without needing to define match
Here's what I have so far:
{ scopeName = 'source.sphinx.doc';
fileTypes = ( 'rst', 'rest', 'txt' );
patterns = (
{ contentName = 'meta.doctitle.sphinx';
begin = '^((?:=|\-|_|~|`|#|"|\^|\+|\*){3,})$';
end = '^(\1)$';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'markup.doctitle.overline.sphinx'; }; };
endCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'markup.doctitle.underline.sphinx'; }; };
{ name = 'meta.heading.sphinx';
begin = '^([A-Za-z][^\n]+)$';
end = '^(=|\-|_|~|`|#|"|\^|\+|\*{3,})$';
beginCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'markup.heading.sphinx'; }; };
endCaptures = { 0 = { name = 'markup.heading.underline.sphinx'; }; };
{ contentName = 'meta.paragraph.restructuredtext';
begin = '^(?!=|-|~|`|#|"|\^|\+|\*)([ \t]*)(?=\S)';
end = '^(?!\1(?=\S))';
meta.heading.sphinx is used for
and meta.doctitle.sphinx should be used for the over/under line Heading
A meta.paragraph should then capture everything that isn't meta.heading or
meta.doctitle but this has proved problematic to say the least.
I would appreciate it if anyone could share a trick to make this possible or
an answer if this is even possible at the moment or not.
Thank you very much for reading!
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I'm partially blind, and constantly find myself squinting and
straining to see what I'm selecting in the project window (Which is
one of TM's strengths IMO).
I've tried using ,
but my lack of familiarity with IB and XCode has left me unable to
actually make this work reliably.
I would pay another $20-30 for this one feature alone.
Christopher Patti - Geek At Large | GTalk: cpatti(a) | AIM:
chrisfeohpatti | P: (260) 54PATTI
"Technology challenges art, art inspires technology." - John Lasseter, Pixar
I have looked at the TextMate wiki page and in the GitHub project page
and haven't been able to found this.
Is it there any bundle to provide, at least, syntax highlighting for
the wiki format used by Google Code? In particular, the format
described here:
Julio Merino
what is the format to view the archives.
I did download a archive, thinking i could "just open it" in Textmate.
The default of txt was appended and when it did open it was gibberish
thank you
while debugging some javascript i have come to see that TexMate has an issue
with the CSS selector, border-width written in Javascript as
If i write style.backgroundColor, it will show in color green in Textmate.
I have retained the TextMate default color scheme in preferences/fonts
colors/Mac classic.
when i write style.borderWidth it stays black as if it were a variable.
I would assume the Browser compiler or interpreter engine ? would accept the
Javascript script as is, and that TextMate would not be adding any encoding
to its interpretation of the script while showing style.borderWidth as
i am learning javascript from a book and the author is not ordained by thy
holy one and this script works to some degree, yet is off balance, this is
what i am working on.
var d1 = document.getElementById("div1");
var d2 = document.getElementById("div2");
d1.onmouseover = function()
{ = "00ff00"; = "7px";
d1.onmouseout = function()
{ = "#ffffff"; = "1px";
I have composed this message offline going over the message many times to
see that it is concise and to the point, forgive me if it is long winded and
Thank you
A rather annoying behavior has cropped up recently for me in TextMate. Periodically, the gutter will "jump", getting wider and narrower over and over again. Its probably easiest to just show a video:
Why is this happening, and how can I stop it?