Hello, I was wondering if I could get some help with something related to mail.app.
There currently is a Mail bundle in both textmate and textmate 2 which
allows you to send html to the mail application (With Safari), I found this in [1] and
other sites. Since writing emails in html is a [bad idea] I thought, why not use
the awesome textmate preview to view the contents of the email as both
a preview from the current plain text in the compose window and a preview
of the email received.
I'm currently copying the content of the email to a blank document in textmate and previewing
it. So why not just skip this and activate textmate with a keyboard shortcut from the mail application?
This may not be outside textmate capabilities and I think it would be a great addition
to the release version. The mail application would need a plugin, just a button so that
when it is clicked in the composer window or in the view email window it sends the
plain text to text mate and then textmate would call markdown/multimarkdown or
whatever program you want to use to convert the message and display it with
the html previewer.
Anyway, just some thoughts that would make me look forward even more to the
release of textmate 2.
Thank you for the fix related to the html preview in the last email I sent. I forgot to reply last time
to give my thanks.
[1]: http://www.hawkwings.net/2006/05/11/more-textmate-goodness-html-emails/
[2]: http://www.freeantispam.org/html-email.php
I have a question regarding citation completion in the LaTeX bundle, a mechanism I constantly rely on. I greatly appreciate not having to open my bibfiles via Bibdesk. My preamble normally looks something like below, with citation completion working as expected:
But it doesn't work if I put my preamble into a custom package (say, custom.sty, which I put into ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/local and which I call with \usepackage{custom} without having to specify path). The custom package works perfectly in all respects except citation completion.
I'm at a loss trying to figure out what the problem is (a minor one, granted, I can always keep to \input{mypath/to/custom_style.tex}). Is it the custom package? My custom package has the following lines at top and bottom:
\ProvidesPackage{custom}[2013/04/15 Custom Package]
Or is it something else regarding the path to my custom.sty package that is not recognized? Any suggestion appreciated,
Hi All,
I'm interested in using TextMate as the front-end for the Monkey compiler
I downloaded and installed textmate. Run it a couple of times, and it ran
fine on my 10.8.3 iMac.
Then I installed the bundle that is meant to be the Monkey support. The
icon bounced as if it were starting, and if I load Activity, I can see the
process taking up ever more memory until the OS kills it.
That's all that happens.
I tried removing the bundle.
No joy.
Is this a known problem with textmate?
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Hanging-on-startup-tp26466.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
sometimes, when using the R bundle and sending lines to the terminal, it happens that the terminal starts "popping" like when it is out of focus , calling for attention.
It happens randomly, and I do not know how to stop it.
If I restart both TextMate and Terminal the problem goes away, only to come back randomly.
Any ideas?
Hi everybody.
I am trying to switch to TextMate for my R/Latex needs. I ma trying to use Sweave, installing the bundle found in the SVN repository from macromates ( http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/SWeave.tmbundle/ )
I can correctly generate pdf files from my source, but I have an issue: I do not know how to use forward and inverse search like I do with tex files and the latex bundle.
Can anybody help me with that?
rmate is really cool. I want to work with a project directory
though, not opening one file at a time. Is there any way to get rmate
to open a directory or a project file?
All the icons drawn in the gutter (fold markers, bookmarks etc) somehow have adrak-gray background on my (non-retina) system.
If I simply open the icon (for example "Folding Collapsed.png") and re-save it without changes, it then displays fine.
Any ideas why that is?
I work with Changes Version 1.6.2 (582) and I install the bundle for Textmate.
But with TM2 i get a bug when I try to compare files with Compare two front documents .
Textmate blocks and I can't do nothing
Best regards
Alain Matthes
I am working on a bundle (Stata) for which we'd like to implement several user-configurable preferences (e.g., like with the LaTeX or TODO bundles). These will certainly include both boolean values (i.e., checkboxes) and strings, but may also include other values as well (e.g., selections from a list or a reference to an installed application). I've looked at the way this is done in the LaTeX and TODO bundles (which are handled a bit differently), but before getting started I was wondering if there was a preferred approach to follow here. Any suggestions or pointers to examples (or documentation) would be most appreciated.
-- Phil