I have Textmate Version 1.5.11 (1635). How can I configure Textmate that it
Auto-Indents with IF THEN etc..?
So, like this:
IF lVariable=true
Do This
How can I tell Textmate to add 3 spaces before the "Do this" command?
My understanding is that soft-wrapped lines can now be indented, but I can't
figure out how to enable that. Is this feature implemented?
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Indented-soft-wrap-tp32983136p32983136.html
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Years ago I created websites, but I've been away from all forms of coding for several years. I purchased TextMate for because one of the screencasts at http://screencasts.textmate.org/html_text_transformations.mov was so impressive. However the speaker assumes some non-obvious fundamentals.
When he types "html" suddenly <html> </html> appears on the screen nicely formatted. Doesn't for me. Hitting the tab key just jumps the cursor to the right. Hitting return or enter pushes the cursor to a new line. What has he done to effect the transformation? He doesn't say.
I have figured out that when he typed "doctype" he then hits the tab key to present some options. That works.
I'm on a Mac OS X 10.8.3 running TextMate Version 1.5.11 (1635)
What basic assumptions am I missing?
Morley Chalmers
The highest result of education is tolerance. — Helen Adams Keller, lecturer, author, first deaf-blind person to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree (1880–1968)
Hey y'all
For the longest time with the alpha Textmate have jumped to the wrong position when clicking e.g. a search result in the Find in project…, or clicking in my pdf and jump to the corresponding position in my LaTeX code.
The cursor is placed at the right position, but the window is not centered around the cursor. This means that ctrl+l works well but is necessary every time. Is this something there's a known fix for?
Trying is the first step towards failure.
- Homer Simpson
For example, I have the following text:
I can option-click and then drag across the beginning the these lines to
insert the same characters to all three lines, e.g. a dash
Is it possible to insert a sequence of numbers? Like:
1 one
2 two
3 three
If this is possible, how about multi-digits? Like:
1 one
2 two
10 ten
11 eleven
Note that there is a space in front of 1 and 2 in the first two lines.
Are these possible? Thanks!
Hi!, i want to know if there's any chance that can work with a Xcode project in TM2. Like TM1 were you can convert the .xcodeproject to a .tmproject and get the same structure (group and stuff) that you have in Xcode. I know that in TM2 .tmproject don't exist. But maybe there's another way.
Alberto Lagos Toro
Sent with Airmail
I may be missing something obvious here, but I have a question about code reuse within a language grammar. I have a language (Stata) which permits constructs of this form
<prefix cmd> [options]: <cmd>
Moreover, prefixes can be combined. If we call
<prefix cmd> [options]:
the prefix, then we may have
<prefix> [[<prefix>] ...] <cmd>
I'd like to match the prefix (and scope it as meta.prefix), and then match the <cmd> when it follows the prefix. However, the <cmd> can also appear in other contexts too (where it should also be matched). As I'm thinking about this now, it seems that it would be ideal if I could define the prefix (which itself requires a rather complicated regex) in one place, and then refer to that in other places, such as where a specific command that can follow a prefix is defined. I am familiar with the language repository and have used it for recursive constructs and to embed one grammar within another, but can't figure out how it might be used here (if at all).
Should I be thinking about this a different way?
-- Phil
Hi all,
On my textmate 1.5 installation I changed the definition of start and stop markers for the python language definition.
Now I realized that by replacing the original start and stop markers, I lose the ability to fold function definition, which is more annoying than I anticipated.
My problem now is that I don't know how to redefine the marker definitions and I am not able to revert the language definition.
Can somebody help me by just sending the original foldingStartMarker / foldingStopMarker definition in the python language definition?
That would be really helpful!
How can I define more than one Start/Stop marker?
My current definition looks like this:
foldingStartMarker = '^[^#]*(\([^\)]*$|\{\s*$)|(#){1}(\s)+[0-9]+';
foldingStopMarker = '(^\s*\)|^\s*\})|(#){1}(\s)+(end)+';
But I would like to have several Start and Stop markers.