I saw on GitHub a new prerelease of TM was available (v2.0.17). But checking via update (I'am using v.2.0.16) no new version appears. See:
Funny enough, on a testing machine via Homebrew installed 2.0.17... bit checking the prereleases it shows:
So pointing back to 2.0.16 ......
But when downgrading to 2.0.6 (the latest stable/regular version) and then checking the prereleases you can install 2.0.17.
So I think there is something wrong checking versions....
== Feek
Greetings all,
I received the familiar "update downloaded" notification for TextMate, and
installed it as per usual. Unfortunately it seems that it is only for
10.15+, as per the attached screenshot, and I'm running 10.14.6. I've
downloaded 2.0.6 from https://macromates.com/download, but that's a long
way behind the version I was recently using, and if I try upgrading it's
instantly back at the version that won't run. Could somebody please let me
know how to revert to something close to the previous (2.0.15?) version?
Thanks very much,
[image: tm_nogo.png]
Hi all! I was wondering, how can I (or we) integrate Language Server Protocol / Server to TextMate? For Python, Ruby, Golang etc... I tried every other editors but none of the makes me comfortable as TextMate does.
Uğur Özyılmazel