Hi all,
I'm a die-hard TextMate 1 user who upgraded to Catalina and am finally migrating to TextMate 2. That being said, I spent a lot of time in TextMate 1 on custom bundle snippets, themes, languages, macros, etc., so I'm hoping not to lose them.
Clicking on my original bundle brings up a TextMate 2 dialog box that asks if I want to install, but if I click "OK" it doesn't appear in the File menu, Bundle editor, or Preferences.
The TextMate wiki (https://github.com/textmate/textmate/wiki/FAQ), and past correspondence on this list, says this could be a problem with fs-events support, and suggests this fix:
rm ~/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/BundlesIndex.plist
Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a plist in this directory--just BundlesIndex.binary. I tried deleting that to no effect.
After double clicking on my old personal bundle, a copy appears in ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles. There is no error dialog box, and I see no errors or faults when I search for "textmate" in the Console after attempting the install.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Jon Ippolito
Professor of New Media
Co-director, Still Water
Director, Digital Curation graduate program
Does Anyone Actually Read These Titles
The University of Maine
The column interface that you use to select a bundle item is very short
and can’t be resized.

The cursor changes when you hover over the resize handle, but I can’t
move it. Resizing the window makes no difference, no matter which side I
resize from.
I don’t use the Bundle Editor very often, so I’m afraid I can’t
say when this started. I’m currently on 2.0.8, macOS 10.14.6.
Rob McBroom
Hi, I just updated to 2.0.8, and there are a few bugs:
• Running a Python script with ⌘R hangs, producing no output in the HTML
output window – the spinny thing continues to spin throughout
– the Ruby stacktrace you get when closing the window with ⌘W – which
comes up in a modal window alert – specifies an exception in a “kill”
method, which is not an evidently obvious visible part of the bundle
command text to which the window alert offers to take you
• Starting up immediately after updating from TextMate 2.0.6 reset the
theme of every open code window to plain black-and-white (this was easily
remedied and wasn’t a showstopper in any way, though)
• There have been a number of odd hard-crashes – the “Submit Crash Log”
dialog would come up, saying that TextMate crashed, but the TextMate UI
would still appear to be up and running; in some cases a part of the UI
would prove to have been rendered unresponsive; in any case a force-quit
was always necessary.
Here are logs from two of these hard-crash events:
• https://gist.github.com/fish2000/2b6957a0f722d006b5673b7440767a9a
Let me know if I can be of further assistance w/r/t this. 2.0.8 looks like
it’ll be awesome, once some of these kinks are ironed out. Yes!
-fish (née Alexander Böhn)
Opened a file from an email attachment
On save from textmate, I get this error:
The document “BadFactorScoresExample.R” could not be saved.
Failed replacing BadFactorScoresExample.R with /var/folders/66/wrbbw2d11gzds_76wqw367f00000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By TextMate)/BadFactorScoresExample.R: You don’t have permission to save the file “BadFactorScoresExample.R” in the folder “7DBA5AD0-07BF-4399-B649-CDE020317A4B”.
FYI, it also generates errors from commands that need to read/write
just installed TM Test Build 2.0.7.
It seems like that the file browser behaves a bit strange. Namely the
"toplevel" is not any more the Project root, but the folder current file is
> ProjectFolder
> ProjectFolder > Include
> ProjectFolder > Include > FileName.php
When having FileName.php open, the file browser select Include als "top"
folder and not the ProjectFolder. It seems related to "Keep Current Document
When returning to 2.0.6 the file browser behaves as expected again (top
level is Project Folder).
== feek
Sent from: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/textmate-users-f3.html
BBEdit has a feature to auto-create backup files. I just tripped over this, it seems like a great thing that I'd like to figure out how to do with Textmate.
This is from BBedit 9's release notes:
The options and behavior for backing up files at save have changed, as follows:
* "Make backup before saving" is now a global preference only, and is no longer controlled per file. The "Make Backup when Saving" and "Make Backup Now" options have been removed from the File menu.
* The settings controlling backup location (in the Text Files prefs) have been removed. Backups are always made to a specific location, as follows:
* If "Keep historical backups" is turned on, backups are kept in `~/Documents/BBEdit Backups/`. Within that folder is one folder for each day's backups. The format of the dated folder name is static and non-localized: `YYYY-MM-DD`. Inside of each day's backup folder will be all of the backups made on that day, each named using the 8.7.x timestamp format.
If you want the backups to live somewhere else, lay down a folder alias named "BBEdit Backups" in `~/Documents/` and BBEdit will follow the alias.
* If "Keep historical backups" is turned *off*, BBEdit makes only a single backup, located in the same directory as the original, so "backup creep" is a thing of the past. The backup is named according to current OS conventions (which themselves follow the old Emacs convention): the backup file is named as the original file, with a tilde appended: "`foo.html~`" is the backup of "`foo.html`".
If you want the backup to have the same file name extension as the original, turn on the "Preserve file name extension" in the Text Files prefs. This will cause BBEdit to place the tilde after the "base" name of the file: "`foo~.html`".
Is there already support for anything similar to this somewhere? A bundle maybe? It'd be a save-hook, obviously.
Marc Wilson
Every time i start up TextMate (2.0.6.) a message box appears with the
following error:
Could not bind to socket: /tmp/textmate-501.sock
Error: Undefined error: 0
After closing the message box, the application works just fine.
I use macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Thanks in advance!
Sent from: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/textmate-users-f3.html
FYI: When I run selected lines of R code in textmate, I now get this pane of errors: (code runs fine)
PS: The blank-regions bug is way worse with current catalina (10.15.4 (19E264b))