Hi all,
I'm a die-hard TextMate 1 user who upgraded to Catalina and am finally migrating to TextMate 2. That being said, I spent a lot of time in TextMate 1 on custom bundle snippets, themes, languages, macros, etc., so I'm hoping not to lose them.
Clicking on my original bundle brings up a TextMate 2 dialog box that asks if I want to install, but if I click "OK" it doesn't appear in the File menu, Bundle editor, or Preferences.
The TextMate wiki (https://github.com/textmate/textmate/wiki/FAQ), and past correspondence on this list, says this could be a problem with fs-events support, and suggests this fix:
rm ~/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/BundlesIndex.plist
Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a plist in this directory--just BundlesIndex.binary. I tried deleting that to no effect.
After double clicking on my old personal bundle, a copy appears in ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/Bundles. There is no error dialog box, and I see no errors or faults when I search for "textmate" in the Console after attempting the install.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Jon Ippolito
Professor of New Media
Co-director, Still Water
Director, Digital Curation graduate program
Does Anyone Actually Read These Titles
The University of Maine
Opened a file from an email attachment
On save from textmate, I get this error:
The document “BadFactorScoresExample.R” could not be saved.
Failed replacing BadFactorScoresExample.R with /var/folders/66/wrbbw2d11gzds_76wqw367f00000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By TextMate)/BadFactorScoresExample.R: You don’t have permission to save the file “BadFactorScoresExample.R” in the folder “7DBA5AD0-07BF-4399-B649-CDE020317A4B”.
FYI, it also generates errors from commands that need to read/write
I have put off upgrading to Catalina because of people here reporting
TextMate issues after upgrading. Problems with menus, etc.
Could anyone who is using Catalina offer any advice on whether it would be
best to stay with Mojave or if the problems with Catalina are minor and no
big deal. I use TextMate daily for work and don't want to upgrade if it is
going to cause prblems with my productivity.
When I have multiple tabs opened with soft wrap enabled Textmate loses the
focus on cursor after switching tabs.
The same does not happen when soft wrap is disabled.
How to fix that?
Sent from: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/textmate-users-f3.html