I'm not sure if this is a known issue, or if it is only Python, but the Jump to Symbol window has trouble properly displaying Python functions & methods that have multi-line parameter lists.
A function heading like this
def makeWeek(geo=AMERICAS,
Shows up in the Jump to Symbol window's table as
def makeWeek(geo=AMERICAS, post_by=STAFF_TYPE...)
Aligning the parameter names' leading edges with the opening parenthesis tends to work better with Python linters in this situation, but kind poorly for the Jump to Symbol window.
My way to quickly ge to the bottom of a document is to select it all and then right-arrow to place the cursor at the last character in the document.
For some time now, this doesn’t always work: Often one ends up some-way down, but not at the bottom. Repeating 2-4 times needed to get to the bottom.
It seems to occur when line wrap is on, and the document contains long lines (i.e., text paragraphs)
Perhaps something is a bit off in the algorithm for scrolling the page when lines are wrapping?
Best, tim
Hi all -
I keep a lot of functions folded in my normal workflow. This usually works fine, but when a non-TM program changes a file, (usually switching branches in Git from a client or command line) the folding settings aren't updated and I end up with strange folding in the middle of a line that may throw off everything in the file.
This isn't a huge problem (and I bet if I always used TM's source control plugin, this would be handled automatically, right?) but I wonder if there's any way to just tell TM "hey, forget all the folding in this file". One might think that cmd-opt-0 (Un/fold All Levels) would do this, but it seems to toggle all the folds without scanning the syntax to see if the fold locations are valid. Anybody know how to just delete all folding for a given file? As it is, I have to scan through big files, looking for hidden '...' glyphs.
I see this most often in Python, which has weird folding behavior, but I've also seen it in Objective C & Javascript, which should have much simpler folding grammars since they're {}-delimited.
For creating web templates I use Xdebug. In Xdebug you can set
`txmt://open/?` in order to open the file with the error in TM. On previous
versions of Safari (< 10.0.2) TM opens without any problems. But now (>
10.0.2) Safari every time ask if it may open TM: see screenshot:
Is there a way to disable this pop-up? I cannot find any settings in Safari.
Or is it maybe related to a "unsigned developer"?
how to reproduce: just paste `txmt://open/` into Safari.
I use TM 2.0-rc.4 on OSX 10.11.6
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Safari-10-popup-when-opening-a-txmt-o…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I have found that I had to finally learn to create Commands in a TM Bundle to move beyond what snippets alone can do (even though they have such a brilliantly simple syntax...)
Is there any canonical listing of values to use Semantic Class hooks?
Also I couldn't find it in the docs, but realized by reading other examples, the way to get the whole document text reliably is to read stdin in a script, then write to stdout.
It might be really great stuff to get documented for everyone.
Finally, what is the recommended flow for managing & sharing bundles?
Certainly, putting changes into Github would be ideal where possible.
But here are two use cases I have.
In my workplace we have stuff we cannot share outside, but we would like to share and maintain a group repo internally to grow up some TM Bundles.
I also sometimes need to work on multiple systems.
I'd like to understand the best way to sync or centralize and update bundles.
What are the best practices with this?
Hi there, I’m currently working on updating an old plugin (EditorConfig — https://github.com/mr0grog/editorconfig-textmate) and it needs to be able to trim the trailing whitespace from lines. I’m currently doing this by getting the OakDocument’s `content` property, editing it, and setting it back, but that can cause selections to move around (not really surprising).
To address selections, the most straightforward method I could find was to use `OakTextView accessibilityAttributeValue:
NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangesAttribute` (and the associated setter), like so:
NSString *content = [document performSelector:@selector(content)];
NSMutableArray<NSValue *> *selections =
[textView accessibilityAttributeValue:NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangesAttribute];
// do some stuff to manipulate `content` and `selections` here...
[document performSelector:@selector(setContent:) withObject:content];
[textView accessibilitySetValue:selections forAttribute:NSAccessibilitySelectedTextRangesAttribute];
This works great with normal selections, but I had expected column selections to show up as multiple selections here. However, they show up as a single contiguous selection from the starting column on the first row of the selection to the ending column on the last row of the selection. That means that, by the end of this operation, any column selections become normal contiguous text selections.
Is there any straightforward way to get and set column selections from a plugin, where I can’t easily mess with the C++ objects? Is there a better way I should be approaching this whole operation in the first place? (I recognize that my approach above might not be great, but couldn’t find anything else workable; I tried poking at OakTextView’s `filterDocumentThroughCommand` method, but had trouble with it since it requires arguments that are C++ types).
Thanks for any advice,
Hi all,
I wished to enable spell checking for comments in source languages.
I edited the settings items in the source bundle, enabling spelling for my scope.
This worked (yay), but I realised it would be better to stash this in my private bundle, not fork the main source.tmbundle.
So I reverted the scope as a first step to making a new settings item. The bundle is now marked as delta, and that isn’t right.
SO I deleted the is delta key. That was a mistake: Now I have an item labeled “untitled” that is empty, and no spellcheck enable setting item.
Try reinstating the delta key, and setting to false. No worky.
Try reverting the bundle: you can’t unselect it.
Deleted the bundle and installed from in TM2: still has my untitled item and no. Must be buried in an invisible cache..? Where…
Curse :-)
Email list: How do you really revert a core bundle to base?
PS: It would be GREAT to have a revert to default right-click action for TM bundles, which cleared invisible caches etc… Or make the grayed out source bundle tick function as a togglle; click it, and it throws a dialog asking “really revert to base source bundle (bundle cannot be deactivated, only reverted)?” then does that.
PS: Feel free to improve this stack overflow answer so others can share this knowledge.
PPS: bit of a hot mess of 10-year old TM1 info and partial TM2 info on the interweb at present: we should try and clean up where possible now everyone is moving to TM2 beta
>> Prerequisites listed include Boost.
>> My question is:
>> What is the recommended way to build/install Boost for TextMate
>> building?
> Using homebrew is the easiest, this should take care of all
> prerequisites:
> brew install ragel boost multimarkdown hg ninja capnp
> google-sparsehash libressl
>> Using Homebrew, boost has additional options and they seem possibly
>> valuable but also potentially problematic.
> TextMate only use a few header-only libraries from boost, so I don?t
> think any of the options have any effect on TextMate.
Ah. I didn't even think to survey the header includes.
Thanks it's exactly what I wanted to know!
I might run it through Doxygen to get a list easily going forward.
Since yesterday evening, pasting to pastie.org <http://pastie.org/> does not work anymore.
It is not the usual error 503 service unavailable, but there are 2 possible errors:
There was a problem pasting your text, pastie.org responded with 522 Origin Connection Time-out
There was a problem pasting your text, pastie.org responded with 400 Bad Request
Am I the only one? Or did pastie change their endpoint?
There are quite some commands that when invoked result in an error. The error
itself is correct in a way, but most of the time not very helpful, and I think
they can be avoided by adding some preconditions to these commands.
Take for example "Browse Annotated File (Blame)"; when running without having
a file open or selected in the filebrowser, it displays the following error:
Or the scm gutter; when deleting or renaming a folder outside of TextMate, but
which is currently open in TextMate, then after deleting closing one of the
tabs displays the following error:
I think all these kinds of errors have to be solved at bundle level, but like
to hear some opinions before I start opening pull requests.
– Koen
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