I just discovered another way that line numbers are not displayed correctly.
With line numbers visible. Press Cmd-Option-L to hide line numbers.
Then press Cmd-Option-L again to show them. When I do this the line
numbers always start at 1 regardless of where I currently am in the
Anyone else seeing this?
Is it possible to save a macro that uses the find & replace dialogue box?
Lets say I want to save a macro that uses find & replace with a regular
expression to surround any number with ³**". For example, the macro would
replace any instances of ³123" with **123**. Is this possible?
I trying to add the ability to run jshint on a document which has changes that haven't been saved to the filesystem to the jshint.tmbundle bundle:
I wondered if there was a way to have textmate make a tmp file of the current document so I could pass that file in a command line invocation of jshint.
I was also checking out the Preview command in html.tmbundle and noticed that if I saved a file, added some text and ran Preview without saving the preview showed the new html content.
The code in the "Show Web Preview": command is pretty simple but it's not at all clear to me how it works to accomplish this:
if [[ -e "$TM_FILEPATH" ]]; then
echo "<base href=\"file://$TM_FILEPATH\">"
Does anyone have any suggestions of perhaps another bundle I can look at which does something like this?
FYI: this is the current command that invokes jshint in jshint.tmbundle:
I've noticed a problem where if I have more than one tab in a window.
When make a different tab the active tab, the line numbers displayed
are those from the tab I just left. I can always reproduce this.
In the case I'm experiencing at the moment, the file in the tab I'm
leaving is only 24 lines long and so has no need for scrollbars, where
as the tab I'm activating has many lines. I scroll so that line one
is not visible. I then change to the other tab, then change back
again. I see line numbers starting at one. But it is not really line
one that is being displayed. If I Cmd-UpArrow. The line number
display is again in sync.
Is it possible for word completion to work on any open file or any file in a
project? Or in other words, lets say I press escape key to complete a word
which isn¹t in the current file, can I set up completion to cycle through
words that are in an open file and/or a project?
After downloading 2.0-alpha.9477, the .txt and .tex files I open with TextMate by default lost their TextMate mini-icons and looked like blank files. I had to downgrade to 9475. Will the old behavior be restored?