Apologies if this has been addressed before.
I would like to use the Control-Option-Shift-P shortcut to set the language of my document to Python, and never anything else.
Currently, I get all 6 grammars that start with P displayed, and so I can go on to choose #6, for example.
I know that if I unselect language support in the preferences, then that language is uninstalled and doesn't show up in the "P-list" anymore.
Is there a way to remove languages from the shortcut list but still have support for that language grammar if I open a file of that format?
I have created a bundle (https://github.com/peeyush1234/reek.tmbundle),
that looks for any code smell in ruby file. The bundle uses reek (
https://github.com/troessner/reek) for smelling code. I would like to add
the bundle to the TextMate organization on github (Or where ever all the
TextMate bundles are kept).
What should be my next steps for the bundle?
Is there a keyboard command to bring up the find dialog where the 'In:'
dropdown is set to selection. Or a key command that works while the dialog
is in focus?
I don't recall this being an issue before, but it seems that the underlying
search (IIRC it uses ack?) is no longer ignoring binaries as of build 9491.
This is causing the dratted beachball on every search I do in my project,
as well as severely polluting the results.
The binary is accessed via a symbolic link, if that matters.
Hi all,
As suggested I've upgraded to 2-0 to keep compatibility with my new
Mavericks OSX system.
I've noticed some changes, in fact some missing features I found useful on
previous textmate's versions:
1. no more transparency
2. when coding in Python, indentation is no more cancelled when typing ":"
(I explain: when introducing an if statement, you type if test: then after
the return your code is automatically indented, that's normal but when you
type else: the ":" is expected to cancel the indentation of the else so it
is well aligned with the if... that was the behavior of the previous
Do I miss some configuration or is it a known bug?
Thanks for answers,
Sébastien Hoarau
The recursive scan in the LaTeX bundle Insert Citation command was working with TextMate 9489 until I tried OS 10.9. It doesn't work any more when I hit Control-Shift-{ or Option-Escape. Anything I could do to fix this issue?
Here is the message from the bundle:
/Users/gweltaz/Library/Application Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles/latex.tmbundle/Support/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb:204:in `recursive_scan': undefined method `each_with_index' for #<String:0x007fd7019781e8> (NoMethodError)
from /Users/gweltaz/Library/Application Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles/latex.tmbundle/Support/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb:256:in `cite_scan'
from /Users/gweltaz/Library/Application Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles/latex.tmbundle/Support/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb:63:in `get_citations'
from Citation Based on Current Word / Selection…:8:in `<main>'
Hello all,
I've been cleaning up the JavaScript grammar and as I get started on
this next round of cleanups, I've run into some inconsistencies in the
grammar that have led to the following questions:
* When adding a language specific implementation of a grammar group, like
comment.block for JavaScript, should the name of the group be comment.block
(expected) or comment.block.js (What's there now)? (I can't tell if I use
the name that corresponds with the root group, comment.block, or if I add
the language name to the end like comment.block.js.)
* Is there a way to have certain grammar features enabled based on the
existence, or lack of, a certain "enabler" in the file? (For example,
JavaScript has a strict mode to mark extra words as keywords due to
potential plans for supporting them as keywords in the future. That being
said, if you have "use strict;" in your file, certain keywords should be
scoped that wouldn't be otherwise *and* variable names with those keywords
should be marked as invalid.)
* Why isn't 'null' treated as a constant like undefined/Infinity/NaN?
Right now it's constant.language.null.js but I'd expect it to be
These questions, while specifically about JavaScript's implementation, are
really general questions about naming, feature enablement and what defines
when you break away from root groups and define your own groups. Any help
would be appreciated.
Take care,
Jeremy Whitlock (@whitlockjc on Twitter)
Dear Users,
After I upgraded from the previous version to 2.0-alpha.9487, I noticed
that the Textmate log windows remains open even when we don't check the box
"Keep log window open" in the Latex Preferences.
Is there any adjustment that I am missing?
View this message in context: http://textmate.1073791.n5.nabble.com/Latex-and-TM2-version-2-0-alpha-9487-…
Sent from the textmate users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I¹ve just noticed that its possible to fold TODOs using the little arrows in
the margins. Is it possible to fold all TODOs in a document using a keyboard